900字范文 > “美版今日头条”BuzzFeed上市 股价犹如过山车

“美版今日头条”BuzzFeed上市 股价犹如过山车

时间:2022-12-11 17:54:55


“美版今日头条”BuzzFeed上市 股价犹如过山车

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

BuzzFeed’s listing sends a warning

BuzzFeed, an American digital-media company, listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Monday through a merger with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC). The company entered the market under the ticker BZFD at $10.95 and saw an initial price surge of over 35%. But prices were quick to fall and were being traded at $9.01 later in the day. The flotation of the news website, once known for listicles and now a Pulitzer prize-winner, is being closely watched by competitors. Forbes, Vox Media, Vice and LadBible are all mulling, or have announced, plans to go public, many of them by way of a SPAC.

So far, the process has not been kind to BuzzFeed. Prior to the disappointing first hours of trading, shareholders at 890 5th Avenue Partners, the SPAC it merged with, approved the deal on December 2nd. But SPAC investors can choose to redeem their shares rather than investing in a target entity, and many did. BuzzFeed will only receive $16m from this source, less than 6% of the $288m that was theoretically available. The redemption rate for all SPACs has climbed in ; this episode will further dampen the buzz about them.

BuzzFeed’s listing sends a warning






BuzzFeed, an American digital-media company, listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Monday through a merger with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC). The company entered the market under the ticker BZFD at $10.95 and saw an initial price surge of over 35%. But prices were quick to fall and were being traded at $9.01 later in the day. The flotation of the news website, once known for listicles and now a Pulitzer prize-winner, is being closely watched by competitors. Forbes, Vox Media, Vice and LadBible are all mulling, or have announced, plans to go public, many of them by way of a SPAC.

通过与一家特殊目标并购公司(SPAC)合并,美国数字媒体公司BuzzFeed周一登陆纳斯达克证券交易所。该公司股票代码为“BZFD”,在以10.95美元开盘后,股价涨幅超过35%。但之后股价迅速下跌,当天晚些时候的交易价为9.01美元。这家新闻网站的上市正受到竞争对手的密切关注。该网站曾以“清单式文章”(也叫“清单体”,一种以数字标注或者分行罗列的清单作为主要形式的文章,比如“王不留持续更新的8大经典外刊”,“不能错过的16个精彩瞬间”,“20件不做会后悔的事情”等等)而闻名,现在是普利策奖(美国奖励报纸、杂志、数位新闻报导和文学、音乐创作有杰出表现所设的奖项,被誉为新闻界的“奥斯卡金像奖”)得主。福布斯、Vox Media、Vice和LadBible都在谋划或宣布上市计划,其中有许多公司会采用SPAC的方式。

stock exchange 证券交易所 ; 证券交易 ; 股票交易

merger 合并 ; 归并

acquisition 获得,得到 ; 购得物 ; 购置物 ; 收购的公司 ; 购置的产业 ; 购置 ; 收购

initial price 开价,最初要价,原始价格,开盘价

surge 涌 ; 汹涌 ; 涌动 ; 使强烈地感到 ; 急剧上升 ; 飞涨 ; 激增 ; 突发 ; 急剧上升,激增 ; 大量 ; 一大批 ; 奔涌向前 ; 突然的向上运动

flotation 发行股份 ; 浮 ; 漂浮

known for 以…而闻名

mulling 长时间考虑 ; 仔细考虑 ; mull的现在分词

go public 上市 ; 公开出售股份

by way of 路经,途经 ; 作为,当作 ; 意在,为了


SPAC(Special Purpose Acquisition Company)直译为“特殊目的并购公司”,也称作“SPAC平台”,是美国资本市场特有的一种上市公司形式。













So far, the process has not been kind to BuzzFeed. Prior to the disappointing first hours of trading, shareholders at 890 5th Avenue Partners, the SPAC it merged with, approved the deal on December 2nd. But SPAC investors can choose to redeem their shares rather than investing in a target entity, and many did. BuzzFeed will only receive $16m from this source, less than 6% of the $288m that was theoretically available. The redemption rate for all SPACs has climbed in ; this episode will further dampen the buzz about them.

到目前为止,上市过程对BuzzFeed并不友好。在首日股票交易不顺之前,被合并的“特殊目的收购公司”(SPAC)— 第五大道890号合伙人(890 5th Avenue Partners,这是公司名字)的股东们于12月2日才批准了该并购交易。另外,SPAC的投资者可以选择赎回其股份,而不是继续投资合并后的公司,许多人确实这样做了。BuzzFeed只能从这个来源获得1600万美元,不到理论上可用资金(2.88亿美元)的6%。整个“特殊目的收购公司”的赎回率在有所上升;这一事件(BuzzFeed借助SPAC上市的过程中,投资者大量撤资)进一步减弱了人们对SPAC上市方式的热情。

So far 目前为止 ; 如此程度 ; 这个地步 ; 迄今为止

disappointing 令人失望的 ; 令人沮丧的 ; 令人扫兴的 ; 使失望 ; 使破灭 ; 使落空 ; disappoint的现在分词

shareholders 股东 ; shareholder的复数

merged 合并,结合,并入 ; 相融 ; 融入 ; 渐渐消失在某物中 ; merge的过去分词和过去式

redeem 赎回 ; 救赎 ; 拯救 ; 弥补 ; 补救 ; 掩饰…之不足 ; 挽回影响 ; 改变印象 ; 维护

rather than 而不是 ; 而不

entity 实体 ; 独立存在物

less than 少于 ; 毫不 ; 完全不 ; 一点都不

theoretically 从理论上说;照理说

climbed 攀登 ; 爬 ; 登山,攀岩 ; climb的过去分词和过去式

episode 插曲 ; 一段经历 ; 片段 ; 一集

further 进一步的 ; 更多的 ; 附加的 ; 进一步 ; 较远 ; 更久远 ; 在更大程度上 ; 在更大范围内 ; 促进 ; 增进 ; far的比较级

dampen 抑制 ; 弄湿 ; 使潮湿 ; 控制 ; 减弱

Buzz 兴奋,活跃的气氛
