900字范文 > Javaweb+mysql校园二手平台(用户设置 发布信息 信息管理 搜索信息 留言 及系统管理)

Javaweb+mysql校园二手平台(用户设置 发布信息 信息管理 搜索信息 留言 及系统管理)

时间:2021-05-01 16:23:24


Javaweb+mysql校园二手平台(用户设置 发布信息 信息管理 搜索信息 留言 及系统管理)









用户注册:学生可利用自已学号进行注册,注册实现实名制。 用户登录:只有登录用户才能进行信息发布。管理员登录后可以进行系统管理。

发布信息:普通用户和管理员登录后都可以发布信息。 修改信息:普通用户可以修改自己发布的信息,管理员可以修改所有信息。

删除信息:普通用户可以删除自己发布的信息,管理员可以删除所有信息。 浏览信息:游客、普通用户和管理员可以浏览所有发布的信息。


发表留言:普通用户和管理员登录后都可以对发布信息进行留言。 查看留言:游客、普通用户和管理员都可以查看发布信息的留言。

删除留言:管理员可以删除留言。 添加二手指南:管理员可以添加二手指南。 查看二手指南:游客、普通用户和管理员都可以查看二手指南。

修改二手指南:管理员可以修改二手指南。 删除二手指南:管理员可以删除二手指南。














/**/ package cn.lee.market.dao;/**/ /**/ import cn.lee.market.model.User;/**/ import cn.lee.market.struts.actionform.LoginForm;/**/ import java.io.PrintStream;/**/ import java.util.List;/**/ import mons.logging.Log;/**/ import mons.logging.LogFactory;/**/ import org.hibernate.Criteria;/**/ import org.hibernate.LockMode;/**/ import org.hibernate.Query;/**/ import org.hibernate.Session;/**/ import org.hibernate.criterion.Example;/**/ /**/ public class UserDAO extends BaseHibernateDAO/**/ {/* 22 */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserDAO.class);/**/ public static final String USERNAME = "username";/**/ public static final String PASSWORD = "password";/**/ public static final String PHOTO = "photo";/**/ public static final String QUESTION = "question";/**/ public static final String ANSWER = "answer";/**/ public static final String EMAIL = "email";/**/ public static final String QQ = "qq";/**/ public static final String STATUS = "status";/**/ public static final String ROLE = "role";/**/ /**/ public void save(User transientInstance)/**/ {/* 37 */log.debug("saving User instance");/**/try {/* 39 */ getSession().save(transientInstance);/* 40 */ log.debug("save successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 42 */ log.error("save failed", re);/* 43 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void delete(User persistentInstance) {/* 48 */log.debug("deleting User instance");/**/try {/* 50 */ getSession().delete(persistentInstance);/* 51 */ log.debug("delete successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 53 */ log.error("delete failed", re);/* 54 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User findById(String id) {/* 59 */log.debug("getting User instance with id: " + id);/**/try {/* 61 */ return (User)getSession()/* 62 */ .get(User.class, id);/**/}/**/catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 65 */ log.error("get failed", re);/* 66 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByExample(User instance)/**/ {/* 72 */log.debug("finding User instance by example");/**/try {/* 74 */ List results = getSession()/* 75 */ .createCriteria(User.class)/* 76 */ .add(Example.create(instance))/* 77 */ .list();/* 78 */ log.debug("find by example successful, result size: " + results.size());/* 79 */ return results;/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 81 */ log.error("find by example failed", re);/* 82 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {/* 87 */log.debug("finding User instance with property: " + propertyName + /* 88 */ ", value: " + value);/**/try {/* 90 */ String queryString = "from User as model where model." + /* 91 */ propertyName + "= ?";/* 92 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 93 */ queryObject.setParameter(0, value);/* 94 */ return queryObject.list();/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 96 */ log.error("find by property name failed", re);/* 97 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByUsername(Object username) {/* 102 */return findByProperty("username", username);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByPassword(Object password) {/* 106 */return findByProperty("password", password);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByPhoto(Object photo) {/* 110 */return findByProperty("photo", photo);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByQuestion(Object question) {/* 114 */return findByProperty("question", question);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByAnswer(Object answer) {/* 118 */return findByProperty("answer", answer);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByEmail(Object email) {/* 122 */return findByProperty("email", email);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByQq(Object qq) {/* 126 */return findByProperty("qq", qq);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByStatus(Object status) {/* 130 */return findByProperty("status", status);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByRole(Object role) {/* 134 */return findByProperty("role", role);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User merge(User detachedInstance) {/* 138 */log.debug("merging User instance");/**/try {/* 140 */ User result = (User)getSession()/* 141 */ .merge(detachedInstance);/* 142 */ log.debug("merge successful");/* 143 */ return result;/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 145 */ log.error("merge failed", re);/* 146 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void attachDirty(User instance) {/* 151 */log.debug("attaching dirty User instance");/**/try {/* 153 */ getSession().saveOrUpdate(instance);/* 154 */ log.debug("attach successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 156 */ log.error("attach failed", re);/* 157 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void attachClean(User instance) {/* 162 */log.debug("attaching clean User instance");/**/try {/* 164 */ getSession().lock(instance, LockMode.NONE);/* 165 */ log.debug("attach successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 167 */ log.error("attach failed", re);/* 168 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User findByUsername(String username) {/* 173 */log.debug("getting User instance with username: " + username);/**/try {/* 175 */ String queryString = "from User where username = '" + username.trim() + "'";/* 176 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 177 */ List userList = queryObject.list();/* 178 */ System.out.println(userList);/* 179 */ if (userList == null || userList.size()==0)/**/ {/* 181 */ System.out.println("没有些用户名!");/* 182 */ return null;/**/ }/**/ /* 186 */ System.out.println("找到用户:" + ((User)userList.get(0)).getUsername());/* 187 */ return (User)userList.get(0);/**/}/**/catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 190 */ log.error("get failed", re);/* 191 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByStu_id(String stu_id) {/* 196 */log.debug("getting User instance with stu_id: " + stu_id);/**/try {/* 198 */ String queryString = "from User as model where model.MStudent = '" + stu_id + "'";/* 199 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 200 */ return queryObject.list();/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 202 */ log.error("get failed", re);/* 203 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User getUser(LoginForm loginForm) {/* 208 */log.debug("getting User instance with LoginForm: " + loginForm.getUsername() + ":" + loginForm.getPassword());/**/try {/* 210 */ String queryString = "from User where username = '" + loginForm.getUsername().trim() + "'" + /* 211 */ " and password = '" + loginForm.getPassword() + "'";/* 212 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 213 */ return (User)queryObject.uniqueResult();/**/}/**/catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 216 */ log.error("get failed", re);/* 217 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ }


/**/ package cn.lee.market.dao;/**/ /**/ import cn.lee.ment;/**/ import cn.lee.market.model.Message;/**/ import java.util.List;/**/ import mons.logging.Log;/**/ import mons.logging.LogFactory;/**/ import org.hibernate.Criteria;/**/ import org.hibernate.LockMode;/**/ import org.hibernate.Query;/**/ import org.hibernate.Session;/**/ import org.hibernate.criterion.Example;/**/ /**/ public class CommentDAO extends BaseHibernateDAO/**/ {/* 22 */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CommentDAO.class);/**/ public static final String CONTENT = "content";/**/ /**/ public void save(Comment transientInstance)/**/ {/* 29 */log.debug("saving Comment instance");/**/try {/* 31 */ getSession().save(transientInstance);/* 32 */ log.debug("save successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 34 */ log.error("save failed", re);/* 35 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void delete(Comment persistentInstance) {/* 40 */log.debug("deleting Comment instance");/**/try {/* 42 */ getSession().delete(persistentInstance);/* 43 */ log.debug("delete successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 45 */ log.error("delete failed", re);/* 46 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Comment findById(String id) {/* 51 */log.debug("getting Comment instance with id: " + id);/**/try {/* 53 */ return (Comment)getSession()/* 54 */ .get(Comment.class, id);/**/}/**/catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 57 */ log.error("get failed", re);/* 58 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByExample(Comment instance)/**/ {/* 64 */log.debug("finding Comment instance by example");/**/try {/* 66 */ List results = getSession()/* 67 */ .createCriteria(Comment.class)/* 68 */ .add(Example.create(instance))/* 69 */ .list();/* 70 */ log.debug("find by example successful, result size: " + results.size());/* 71 */ return results;/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 73 */ log.error("find by example failed", re);/* 74 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {/* 79 */log.debug("finding Comment instance with property: " + propertyName + /* 80 */ ", value: " + value);/**/try {/* 82 */ String queryString = "from Comment as model where model." + /* 83 */ propertyName + "= ?";/* 84 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 85 */ queryObject.setParameter(0, value);/* 86 */ return queryObject.list();/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 88 */ log.error("find by property name failed", re);/* 89 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findByContent(Object content) {/* 94 */return findByProperty("content", content);/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Comment merge(Comment detachedInstance) {/* 98 */log.debug("merging Comment instance");/**/try {/* 100 */ Comment result = (Comment)getSession()/* 101 */ .merge(detachedInstance);/* 102 */ log.debug("merge successful");/* 103 */ return result;/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 105 */ log.error("merge failed", re);/* 106 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void attachDirty(Comment instance) {/* 111 */log.debug("attaching dirty Comment instance");/**/try {/* 113 */ getSession().saveOrUpdate(instance);/* 114 */ log.debug("attach successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 116 */ log.error("attach failed", re);/* 117 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void attachClean(Comment instance) {/* 122 */log.debug("attaching clean Comment instance");/**/try {/* 124 */ getSession().lock(instance, LockMode.NONE);/* 125 */ log.debug("attach successful");/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 127 */ log.error("attach failed", re);/* 128 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ /**/ public List findAllCommentOfMessage(Message message) {/* 133 */log.debug("finding Comment instance with messageid: " + message.getId());/**/try {/* 135 */ String queryString = "from Comment as model where model.TMessage= '" + /* 136 */ message.getId() + "'";/* 137 */ Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);/* 138 */ return queryObject.list();/**/} catch (RuntimeException re) {/* 140 */ log.error("find by messageid failed", re);/* 141 */ throw re;/**/}/**/ }/**/ }/* Location: C:\Users\muye\Desktop\51\校园二手交易平台设计与论文\market\code\market\WEB-INF\classes\* Qualified Name:cn.lee.mentDAO* JD-Core Version: 0.6.1*/



/* */ package cn.lee.market.model;/* */ /* */ import java.util.Date;/* */ /* */ public class Comment extends BaseModel/* */ {/* */ private User TUser;/* */ private Message TMessage;/* */ private String content;/* */ private Date create_time;/* */ /* */ public Comment()/* */ {/* */ }/* */ /* */ public Comment(User TUser, Message TMessage, String content, Date create_time)/* */ {/* 31 */this.TUser = TUser;/* 32 */this.TMessage = TMessage;/* 33 */this.content = content;/* 34 */this.create_time = create_time;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public User getTUser()/* */ {/* 41 */return this.TUser;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public void setTUser(User TUser) {/* 45 */this.TUser = TUser;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public Message getTMessage() {/* 49 */return this.TMessage;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public void setTMessage(Message TMessage) {/* 53 */this.TMessage = TMessage;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public String getContent() {/* 57 */return this.content;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public void setContent(String content) {/* 61 */this.content = content;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public Date getCreate_time() {/* 65 */return this.create_time;/* */ }/* */ /* */ public void setCreate_time(Date create_time) {/* 69 */this.create_time = create_time;/* */ }/* */ }


/**/ package cn.lee.market.model;/**/ /**/ import java.util.Date;/**/ import java.util.HashSet;/**/ import java.util.Set;/**/ /**/ public class User extends BaseModel/**/ {/**/ private Student MStudent;/**/ private String username;/**/ private String password;/**/ private Date birthday;/**/ private short photo;/**/ private String question;/**/ private String answer;/**/ private String email;/**/ private String qq;/**/ private Date create_time;/**/ private short status;/**/ private short role;/* 30 */ private Set TMessages = new HashSet(0);/* 31 */ private Set TComments = new HashSet(0);/**/ /**/ public User()/**/ {/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User(Student MStudent, String username, String password, Date birthday, short photo, String question, String answer, Date create_time, short status, short role)/**/ {/* 42 */this.MStudent = MStudent;/* 43 */this.username = username;/* 44 */this.password = password;/* 45 */this.birthday = birthday;/* 46 */this.photo = photo;/* 47 */this.question = question;/* 48 */this.answer = answer;/* 49 */this.create_time = create_time;/* 50 */this.status = status;/* 51 */this.role = role;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public User(Student MStudent, String username, String password, Date birthday, short photo, String question, String answer, String email, String qq, Date create_time, short status, short role, Set TMessages, Set TComments)/**/ {/* 56 */this.MStudent = MStudent;/* 57 */this.username = username;/* 58 */this.password = password;/* 59 */this.birthday = birthday;/* 60 */this.photo = photo;/* 61 */this.question = question;/* 62 */this.answer = answer;/* 63 */this.email = email;/* 64 */this.qq = qq;/* 65 */this.create_time = create_time;/* 66 */this.status = status;/* 67 */this.role = role;/* 68 */this.TMessages = TMessages;/* 69 */this.TComments = TComments;/**/ }/**/ public User(String username2, String password2, String question2, String answer2, int photo2, String email2, Date birthday2) {/* 72 */this.username = username2;/* 73 */this.password = password2;/* 74 */this.birthday = birthday2;/* 75 */this.photo = (short)photo2;/* 76 */this.question = question2;/* 77 */this.answer = answer2;/* 78 */this.email = email2;/* 79 */this.status = 0;/* 80 */this.role = 1;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Student getMStudent()/**/ {/* 86 */return this.MStudent;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setMStudent(Student MStudent) {/* 90 */this.MStudent = MStudent;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getUsername() {/* 94 */return this.username;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setUsername(String username) {/* 98 */this.username = username;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getPassword() {/* 102 */return this.password;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setPassword(String password) {/* 106 */this.password = password;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Date getBirthday() {/* 110 */return this.birthday;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {/* 114 */this.birthday = birthday;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public short getPhoto() {/* 118 */return this.photo;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setPhoto(short photo) {/* 122 */this.photo = photo;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getQuestion() {/* 126 */return this.question;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setQuestion(String question) {/* 130 */this.question = question;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getAnswer() {/* 134 */return this.answer;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setAnswer(String answer) {/* 138 */this.answer = answer;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getEmail() {/* 142 */return this.email;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setEmail(String email) {/* 146 */this.email = email;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public String getQq() {/* 150 */return this.qq;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setQq(String qq) {/* 154 */this.qq = qq;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Date getCreate_time() {/* 158 */return this.create_time;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setCreate_time(Date create_time) {/* 162 */this.create_time = create_time;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public short getStatus() {/* 166 */return this.status;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setStatus(short status) {/* 170 */this.status = status;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public short getRole() {/* 174 */return this.role;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setRole(short role) {/* 178 */this.role = role;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Set getTMessages() {/* 182 */return this.TMessages;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setTMessages(Set TMessages) {/* 186 */this.TMessages = TMessages;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public Set getTComments() {/* 190 */return this.TComments;/**/ }/**/ /**/ public void setTComments(Set TComments) {/* 194 */this.TComments = TComments;/**/ }/**/ }



/* */ package cn.lee.market.struts.action;/* */ /* */ import cn.lee.mentDAO;/* */ import cn.lee.market.dao.MessageDAO;/* */ import cn.lee.ment;/* */ import cn.lee.market.model.Message;/* */ import cn.lee.market.model.User;/* */ import java.util.Date;/* */ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;/* */ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;/* */ import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.Action;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;/* */ /* */ public class AddCommentAction extends Action/* */ {/* */ public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)/* */throws Exception/* */ {/* 27 */String content = request.getParameter("content");/* 28 */String messageid = request.getParameter("messageid");/* 29 */CommentDAO cDao = new CommentDAO();/* 30 */MessageDAO mDao = new MessageDAO();/* 31 */Message message = mDao.findById(messageid);/* 32 */Comment comment = new Comment();/* 33 */comment.setTMessage(message);/* 34 */comment.setContent(content);/* 35 */comment.setCreate_time(new Date());/* 36 */User user = (User)request.getSession().getAttribute("user");/* 37 */comment.setTUser(user);/* 38 */cDao.save(comment);/* */ /* 41 */request.setAttribute("messageid", messageid);/* 42 */return mapping.findForward("messageDetail");/* */ }/* */ }/* Location: C:\Users\muye\Desktop\51\校园二手交易平台设计与论文\market\code\market\WEB-INF\classes\* Qualified Name:cn.lee.market.struts.action.AddCommentAction* JD-Core Version: 0.6.1*/


/* */ package cn.lee.market.struts.action;/* */ /* */ import cn.lee.mentDAO;/* */ import cn.lee.market.dao.MessageDAO;/* */ import cn.lee.market.model.Message;/* */ import java.io.PrintStream;/* */ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;/* */ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.Action;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;/* */ import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;/* */ /* */ public class MessageDetailAction extends Action/* */ {/* */ public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)/* */throws Exception/* */ {/* 22 */MessageDAO mDao = new MessageDAO();/* 23 */Message message = null;/* */ /* 25 */String messageid = request.getParameter("messageid");/* */ /* 27 */if (messageid == null)/* 28 */ messageid = (String)request.getAttribute("messageid");/* 29 */System.out.println("after post messageid:" + messageid);/* */ /* 31 */if (messageid == null) {/* 32 */ message = (Message)request.getAttribute("message");/* */}/* */else {/* 35 */ message = mDao.findById(messageid);/* 36 */ message.setTop_value(Integer.valueOf(message.getTop_value().intValue() + 1));/* */}/* */ /* 45 */CommentDAO cDao = new CommentDAO();/* 46 */request.setAttribute("message", message);/* 47 */request.setAttribute("comments", cDao.findAllCommentOfMessage(message));/* 48 */return mapping.findForward("messageDetail");/* */ }/* */ }/* Location: C:\Users\muye\Desktop\51\校园二手交易平台设计与论文\market\code\market\WEB-INF\classes\* Qualified Name:cn.lee.market.struts.action.MessageDetailAction* JD-Core Version: 0.6.1*/


