900字范文 > ROS实战( 三 )利用科大讯飞tts实现ROS下语音合成播报

ROS实战( 三 )利用科大讯飞tts实现ROS下语音合成播报

时间:2023-03-28 05:57:11


ROS实战( 三 )利用科大讯飞tts实现ROS下语音合成播报








catkin_create_pkg voice_system roscpp rospy std_msgscd到你下载的科大讯飞sdk下,即/samples下cp tts_sample.c ~/catkin_ws/src/voice_system/src/cd ../../includecp * ~/catkin_ws/src/voice_system/include/cd ~/catkin_ws/src/voice_system/srcmv tts_sample.c xf_tts.cppvim xf_tts.cpp


/** 语音合成(Text To Speech,TTS)技术能够自动将任意文字实时转换为连续的* 自然语音,是一种能够在任何时间、任何地点,向任何人提供语音信息服务的* 高效便捷手段,非常符合信息时代海量数据、动态更新和个性化查询的需求。*/#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "qtts.h"#include "msp_cmn.h"#include "msp_errors.h"/* wav音频头部格式 */typedef struct _wave_pcm_hdr{char riff[4];// = "RIFF"intsize_8; // = FileSize - 8char wave[4];// = "WAVE"char fmt[4]; // = "fmt "intfmt_size; // = 下一个结构体的大小 : 16short int format_tag; // = PCM : 1short int channels;// = 通道数 : 1intsamples_per_sec; // = 采样率 : 8000 | 6000 | 11025 | 16000intavg_bytes_per_sec;// = 每秒字节数 : samples_per_sec * bits_per_sample / 8short int block_align; // = 每采样点字节数 : wBitsPerSample / 8short int bits_per_sample; // = 量化比特数: 8 | 16char data[4];// = "data";intdata_size; // = 纯数据长度 : FileSize - 44 } wave_pcm_hdr;/* 默认wav音频头部数据 */wave_pcm_hdr default_wav_hdr = {{ 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' },0,{'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'},{'f', 'm', 't', ' '},16,1,1,16000,32000,2,16,{'d', 'a', 't', 'a'},0 };/* 文本合成 */int text_to_speech(const char* src_text, const char* des_path, const char* params){intret= -1;FILE* fp = NULL;const char* sessionID = NULL;unsigned int audio_len = 0;wave_pcm_hdr wav_hdr= default_wav_hdr;intsynth_status = MSP_TTS_FLAG_STILL_HAVE_DATA;if (NULL == src_text || NULL == des_path){printf("params is error!\n");return ret;}fp = fopen(des_path, "wb");if (NULL == fp){printf("open %s error.\n", des_path);return ret;}/* 开始合成 */sessionID = QTTSSessionBegin(params, &ret);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSSessionBegin failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);fclose(fp);return ret;}ret = QTTSTextPut(sessionID, src_text, (unsigned int)strlen(src_text), NULL);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSTextPut failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "TextPutError");fclose(fp);return ret;}printf("正在合成 ...\n");fwrite(&wav_hdr, sizeof(wav_hdr) ,1, fp); //添加wav音频头,使用采样率为16000while (1) {/* 获取合成音频 */const void* data = QTTSAudioGet(sessionID, &audio_len, &synth_status, &ret);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret)break;if (NULL != data){fwrite(data, audio_len, 1, fp);wav_hdr.data_size += audio_len; //计算data_size大小}if (MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END == synth_status)break;printf(">");usleep(150*1000); //防止频繁占用CPU}printf("\n");if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSAudioGet failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "AudioGetError");fclose(fp);return ret;}/* 修正wav文件头数据的大小 */wav_hdr.size_8 += wav_hdr.data_size + (sizeof(wav_hdr) - 8);/* 将修正过的数据写回文件头部,音频文件为wav格式 */fseek(fp, 4, 0);fwrite(&wav_hdr.size_8,sizeof(wav_hdr.size_8), 1, fp); //写入size_8的值fseek(fp, 40, 0); //将文件指针偏移到存储data_size值的位置fwrite(&wav_hdr.data_size,sizeof(wav_hdr.data_size), 1, fp); //写入data_size的值fclose(fp);fp = NULL;/* 合成完毕 */ret = QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "Normal");if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSSessionEnd failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);}return ret;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){int ret = MSP_SUCCESS;const char* login_params = "appid = 5afcee34, work_dir = .";//登录参数,appid与msc库绑定,请勿随意改动/** rdn: 合成音频数字发音方式* volume: 合成音频的音量* pitch: 合成音频的音调* speed: 合成音频对应的语速* voice_name: 合成发音人* sample_rate: 合成音频采样率* text_encoding: 合成文本编码格式**/const char* session_begin_params = "voice_name = xiaoyan, text_encoding = utf8, sample_rate = 16000, speed = 50, volume = 50, pitch = 50, rdn = 2";const char* filename = "tts_sample.wav"; //合成的语音文件名称const char* text = "亲爱的用户,您好,这是一个语音合成示例,感谢您对科大讯飞语音技术的支持!科大讯飞是亚太地区最大的语音上市公司,股票代码:002230"; //合成文本/* 用户登录 */ret = MSPLogin(NULL, NULL, login_params);//第一个参数是用户名,第二个参数是密码,第三个参数是登录参数,用户名和密码可在注册获取if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("MSPLogin failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);goto exit ;//登录失败,退出登录}printf("\n###########################################################################\n");printf("## 语音合成(Text To Speech,TTS)技术能够自动将任意文字实时转换为连续的 ##\n");printf("## 自然语音,是一种能够在任何时间、任何地点,向任何人提供语音信息服务的 ##\n");printf("## 高效便捷手段,非常符合信息时代海量数据、动态更新和个性化查询的需求。 ##\n");printf("###########################################################################\n\n");/* 文本合成 */printf("开始合成 ...\n");ret = text_to_speech(text, filename, session_begin_params);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("text_to_speech failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);}printf("合成完毕\n");exit:printf("按任意键退出 ...\n");getchar();MSPLogout(); //退出登录return 0;}


/** 语音合成(Text To Speech,TTS)技术能够自动将任意文字实时转换为连续的* 自然语音,是一种能够在任何时间、任何地点,向任何人提供语音信息服务的* 高效便捷手段,非常符合信息时代海量数据、动态更新和个性化查询的需求。*/#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <ros/ros.h>#include <std_msgs/String.h> #include "qtts.h"#include "msp_cmn.h"#include "msp_errors.h"const char* fileName="/home/zc/Music/voice.wav";const char* playPath="play /home/zc/Music/voice.wav";/* wav音频头部格式 */typedef struct _wave_pcm_hdr{char riff[4];// = "RIFF"intsize_8; // = FileSize - 8char wave[4];// = "WAVE"char fmt[4]; // = "fmt "intfmt_size; // = 下一个结构体的大小 : 16short int format_tag; // = PCM : 1short int channels;// = 通道数 : 1intsamples_per_sec; // = 采样率 : 8000 | 6000 | 11025 | 16000intavg_bytes_per_sec;// = 每秒字节数 : samples_per_sec * bits_per_sample / 8short int block_align; // = 每采样点字节数 : wBitsPerSample / 8short int bits_per_sample; // = 量化比特数: 8 | 16char data[4];// = "data";intdata_size; // = 纯数据长度 : FileSize - 44 } wave_pcm_hdr;/* 默认wav音频头部数据 */wave_pcm_hdr default_wav_hdr = {{ 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' },0,{'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'},{'f', 'm', 't', ' '},16,1,1,16000,32000,2,16,{'d', 'a', 't', 'a'},0 };/* 文本合成 */int text_to_speech(const char* src_text, const char* des_path, const char* params){intret= -1;FILE* fp = NULL;const char* sessionID = NULL;unsigned int audio_len = 0;wave_pcm_hdr wav_hdr= default_wav_hdr;intsynth_status = MSP_TTS_FLAG_STILL_HAVE_DATA;if (NULL == src_text || NULL == des_path){printf("params is error!\n");return ret;}fp = fopen(des_path, "wb");if (NULL == fp){printf("open %s error.\n", des_path);return ret;}/* 开始合成 */sessionID = QTTSSessionBegin(params, &ret);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSSessionBegin failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);fclose(fp);return ret;}ret = QTTSTextPut(sessionID, src_text, (unsigned int)strlen(src_text), NULL);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSTextPut failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "TextPutError");fclose(fp);return ret;}printf("正在合成 ...\n");fwrite(&wav_hdr, sizeof(wav_hdr) ,1, fp); //添加wav音频头,使用采样率为16000while (1) {/* 获取合成音频 */const void* data = QTTSAudioGet(sessionID, &audio_len, &synth_status, &ret);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret)break;if (NULL != data){fwrite(data, audio_len, 1, fp);wav_hdr.data_size += audio_len; //计算data_size大小}if (MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END == synth_status)break;printf(">");usleep(15*1000); //防止频繁占用CPU}printf("\n");if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSAudioGet failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "AudioGetError");fclose(fp);return ret;}/* 修正wav文件头数据的大小 */wav_hdr.size_8 += wav_hdr.data_size + (sizeof(wav_hdr) - 8);/* 将修正过的数据写回文件头部,音频文件为wav格式 */fseek(fp, 4, 0);fwrite(&wav_hdr.size_8,sizeof(wav_hdr.size_8), 1, fp); //写入size_8的值fseek(fp, 40, 0); //将文件指针偏移到存储data_size值的位置fwrite(&wav_hdr.data_size,sizeof(wav_hdr.data_size), 1, fp); //写入data_size的值fclose(fp);fp = NULL;/* 合成完毕 */ret = QTTSSessionEnd(sessionID, "Normal");if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("QTTSSessionEnd failed, error code: %d.\n",ret);}return ret;}/* make topic callback to wav file */void makeTextToWav(const char* text,const char* filename){int ret=MSP_SUCCESS;const char* login_params="appid = 5afcee34, work_dir = .";//登录参数,appid与msc库绑定,请勿随意改动/** rdn: 合成音频数字发音方式* volume: 合成音频的音量* pitch: 合成音频的音调* speed: 合成音频对应的语速* voice_name: 合成发音人* sample_rate: 合成音频采样率* text_encoding: 合成文本编码格式**/const char* session_begin_params = "voice_name = xiaowanzi, text_encoding = utf8, sample_rate = 16000, speed = 60, volume = 60, pitch = 50, rdn = 0";/* const char* filename = "tts_sample.wav"; //合成的语音文件名称const char* text = "大家好,我叫小倩,我今年15岁,我的车牌号是A123456,今天是5月17号"; //合成文本 *//* 用户登录 */ret = MSPLogin(NULL, NULL, login_params);//第一个参数是用户名,第二个参数是密码,第三个参数是登录参数,用户名和密码可在注册获取if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("MSPLogin failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);}/* 文本合成 */else {printf("开始合成 ...\n");ret = text_to_speech(text, filename, session_begin_params);if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret){printf("text_to_speech failed, error code: %d.\n", ret);}printf("合成完毕\n");}MSPLogout();}/* play compose.wav file */void playWav(){system(playPath);}/* topic auto invoke,make text to wav file,then play wav file */void topicCallBack(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){std::cout<<"get topic text:"<<msg->data.c_str();makeTextToWav(msg->data.c_str(),fileName);playWav();}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){const char* start = "科大讯飞在线语音合成模块启动成功";makeTextToWav(start,fileName);playWav();ros::init(argc,argv,"xf_tts_node");ros::NodeHandle nd;ros::Subscriber sub = nd.subscribe("/voice/xf_tts_topic",3,topicCallBack);ros::spin();return 0;}


#include "ros/ros.h"#include "std_msgs/String.h"/*** This tutorial demonstrates simple receipt of messages over the ROS system.*/void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());}int main(int argc, char **argv){/*** The ros::init() function needs to see argc and argv so that it can perform* any ROS arguments and name remapping that were provided at the command line. For programmatic* remappings you can use a different version of init() which takes remappings* directly, but for most command-line programs, passing argc and argv is the easiest* way to do it. The third argument to init() is the name of the node.** You must call one of the versions of ros::init() before using any other* part of the ROS system.*/ros::init(argc, argv, "listener");/*** NodeHandle is the main access point to communications with the ROS system.* The first NodeHandle constructed will fully initialize this node, and the last* NodeHandle destructed will close down the node.*/ros::NodeHandle n;/*** The subscribe() call is how you tell ROS that you want to receive messages* on a given topic. This invokes a call to the ROS* master node, which keeps a registry of who is publishing and who* is subscribing. Messages are passed to a callback function, here* called chatterCallback. subscribe() returns a Subscriber object that you* must hold on to until you want to unsubscribe. When all copies of the Subscriber* object go out of scope, this callback will automatically be unsubscribed from* this topic.** The second parameter to the subscribe() function is the size of the message* queue. If messages are arriving faster than they are being processed, this* is the number of messages that will be buffered up before beginning to throw* away the oldest ones.*/ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);/*** ros::spin() will enter a loop, pumping callbacks. With this version, all* callbacks will be called from within this thread (the main one). ros::spin()* will exit when Ctrl-C is pressed, or the node is shutdown by the master.*/ros::spin();return 0;}


add_executable(xf_tts_node src/xf_tts.cpp)target_link_libraries(xf_tts_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} -lmsc -lrt -ldl -lpthread)









rosrun voice_system xf_tts_node




rostopic listrostopic info /voice/xf_tts_topicrostopic pub /voice/xf_tts_topic std_msgs/String "你好"


