900字范文 > 数字货币如何影响货币体系_如何加入数字货币行业


时间:2024-03-07 16:51:57




by Linda Xie


如何加入数字货币行业 (How to join the digital currency industry)

One of the questions that I get asked most often is how to get a start in the blockchain industry. It’s a fun and exciting space to be in. After spending 3 years with Coinbase here are my recommendations and resources:

我最常被问到的问题之一是如何在区块链行业起步。 这是一个有趣而令人兴奋的空间。在Coinbase工作了3年之后,以下是我的建议和资源:



Join because you believe in the technology.You might be interested in digital currencies because the price of bitcoin and ether have been skyrocketing. However remember that it is natural for new technologies to go through hype cycles. I joined Coinbase in June when the bitcoin price dropped from $650 and stayed in the $250 range for over a year. While it is exciting to see the price continually climbing recently, my internal motivations for working in the digital currency space are based upon a passion for the technology and its implications. Otherwise it would have been enticing to leave during the stagnant periods. Consider if you were to join an organization in this space, would you stay if digital currency prices crashed 80%?

加入,因为您相信这项技术。您可能对数字货币感兴趣,因为比特币和以太币的价格一直飞涨。 但是请记住,新技术经历炒作周期是很自然的。 我于6月加入Coinbase,当时比特币的价格从650美元下降至一年250美元左右。 虽然最近价格不断上涨令人兴奋,但我在数字货币领域工作的内部动机是基于对技术及其含义的热情。 否则,在停滞期间它本来会诱人离开。 考虑是否要加入这个领域的组织,如果数字货币价格暴跌80%,您会留下吗?

Do your research.This seems obvious and applies to all industries, however many people who have approached me to discuss a position at Coinbase have lacked a basic understanding of the company. In the past, I have received inquiries from applicants in which people thought that Coinbase developed and owned the Bitcoin blockchain directly. Spend time researching the technology first, then research what each company does with the technology. At the same time, there are a number of projects in this space that lack technical merit and that are capitalizing on the large amounts of easy funding in this space. It is important to do your own research in understanding the project’s technology and team.

做你的研究。这似乎很明显,并且适用于所有行业,但是许多与我联系以讨论Coinbase职位的人都缺乏对该公司的基本了解。 过去,我收到了申请人的询问,其中有人认为Coinbase直接开发并拥有比特币区块链。 首先花时间研究技术,然后研究每个公司对技术的用途。 同时,该领域中有许多项目缺乏技术价值,并且正在利用该领域中大量的易用资金。 在了解项目的技术和团队方面进行自己的研究很重要。

Be specific about what type of organization you want to join.I am usually skeptical about people who just tell me they want to work on blockchain. The word ‘blockchain’ is vague and from my experience, people often don’t have an understanding of what it means. For example do you want to work on a permissioned ledger, develop on Ethereum, join a startup like Coinbase, or join a major company like IBM? Each one has a vastly different culture, mission, and team so make sure you are mindful of which one fits you the best.

请具体说明要加入的组织类型。我通常对那些只是告诉我他们想在区块链上工作的人持怀疑态度。 “区块链”一词含糊不清,根据我的经验,人们通常对它的含义并不了解。 例如,您是否要处理许可的分类帐,在以太坊上进行开发,加入像Coinbase这样的初创公司或加入像IBM这样的大公司? 每个人都有截然不同的文化,使命和团队,因此请确保牢记哪种最适合您。

Be open to different roles.If you are not a developer there may be less available roles for you at the organization that you are interested in applying to. Consider leveraging your skill set to different roles. For example my background was in economics and finance but I wanted to join Coinbase so I was open to filling any role they needed. I first started in compliance and later switched to product management — both of which are unrelated to my initial background but I still learned from and enjoyed each role significantly.Update: please also see my colleague John Yi’s advice on this in the responses below.

对不同的角色持开放态度。如果您不是开发人员,那么您有兴趣申请的组织中可用的角色可能会更少。 考虑利用您的技能来扮演不同的角色。 例如,我的背景是经济学和金融学,但是我想加入Coinbase,因此我愿意承担他们所需的任何角色。 我最初是从遵从性开始的,后来又转向产品管理-两者都与我的最初背景无关,但我仍然从每个角色中学到并享有很多经验。更新:在下面的回复中,也请参阅我的同事John Yi对此的建议。

Build experience by contributing to projects.If you are passionate about a project or digital currency, in many cases you can directly contribute without securing a full-time position if the project is open source. For example Monero is an interesting cryptocurrency that could use your contribution in both technical and non-technical areas. This helps boost your experience in the industry and potentially leads to great connections.

通过为项目做出贡献来积累经验。如果您对项目或数字货币充满热情,并且在开源的情况下,在很多情况下,您可以直接贡献自己的职位而无需获得专职职位。 例如,门罗币(Monero)是一种有趣的加密货币,可以在技术和非技术领域使用您的贡献 。 这有助于提升您的行业经验,并有可能建立良好的联系。



Ethereum Subreddit.It sounds strange that you could find a job through Reddit but Ethereum has a strong Reddit community. You can find out about emerging projects and people’s perceptions of them, posts for open positions, and do your basic research on the technology.

以太坊Subreddit您可以通过Reddit找到工作听起来很奇怪,但是以太坊拥有强大的Reddit社区。 您可以找到有关新兴项目以及人们对它们的看法,职位空缺以及对技术的基础研究。

Smith + Crownprovides detailed and high quality reports about digital currency projects. You can take a look at the reports to get a better understanding for which ones interest you the most.

史密斯+皇冠提供有关数字货币项目的详细且高质量的报告。 您可以查看报告,以更好地了解您最感兴趣的报告。

ICO Alertlists past, active, and upcoming project crowdsales. Projects that raised money already or that plan to often will ramp up their hiring with the new funds. You can go directly to the project’s website to see if there are any open positions. If not, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to the team directly if you are super passionate about what they are doing.

ICO Alert列出了过去,正在进行和即将进行的项目众筹。 已经筹集资金或计划经常进行的项目将增加新资金的雇用。 您可以直接访问该项目的网站以查看是否有空缺职位。 如果没有,如果您对他们的工作充满热情,直接与团队联系也不会有任何伤害。

Ethlancehas job postings for people looking to get paid in ether. They don’t take a cut of your earnings and it’s running on the Ethereum blockchain so you’re already supporting the space.

Ethlance的招聘信息适合那些希望在以太中获得报酬的人。 他们不会削减您的收入,它正在以太坊区块链上运行,因此您已经在支持该领域。

Your local digital currency meetup.I frequent the Silicon Valley Ethereum Meetup and I am an organizer at the SF Ethereum Developers Meetup. There are many developers at the meetups who need help on their projects. It’s a great place to meet others in the industry. You can also try getting more involved by becoming an organizer. You’ll get more time to interact with the developers and get to know what they are working on.

您当地的数字货币聚会。我经常参加硅谷以太坊聚会,并且是SF以太坊开发者聚会的组织者。 聚会中有很多开发人员需要他们的项目帮助。 这是结识业内其他人的好地方。 您也可以尝试通过成为组织者来参与其中。 您将有更多时间与开发人员进行互动,并了解他们在做什么。

Organizations that are hiring


Below are some organizations I closely follow that are hiring.


0x — a protocol for decentralized exchange of Ethereum tokens(Disclaimer: I am an advisor at 0x)

0x —以太坊令牌的去中心化交换协议(免责声明:我是0x的顾问)

Aragon — a platform for creating and managing decentralized organizations


Augur — a prediction market platform

Augur —预测市场平台

Coinbase — a platform to easily buy and sell digital currencies(Disclaimer: I am a product manager at Coinbase)

Coinbase —一个轻松买卖数字货币的平台(免责声明:我是Coinbase的产品经理)

ConsenSys — a venture production studio building decentralized applications on Ethereum

ConsenSys —一个风险生产工作室,在以太坊上构建去中心化应用程序

Dharma — a protocol for decentralized peer to peer lending

Dharma —一种分散的点对点借贷协议

Golem — a project creating a decentralized supercomputer


uPort — a self-sovereign identity platform built using Ethereum


I hope this guide was helpful in learning how to join the digital currency industry. Good luck in your search!

我希望本指南对学习如何加入数字货币行业有所帮助。 祝您搜索顺利!

Thanks to Will Warren for reviewing this post.

感谢Will Warren审阅了这篇文章。

翻译自: /news/how-to-join-the-digital-currency-industry-fe8508bc5d64/

