900字范文 > chrome启用插件_如何在Google Chrome中启用JavaScript?

chrome启用插件_如何在Google Chrome中启用JavaScript?

时间:2022-10-17 07:07:58


chrome启用插件_如何在Google Chrome中启用JavaScript?


JavaScript is a de facto scripting language for web programming. JavaScript is used to create actions, validation, animation, and communication for web pages and web applications.

JavaScript是用于Web编程的事实上的脚本语言。 JavaScript用于为网页和Web应用程序创建动作,验证,动画和通信。

为什么要启用JavaScript? (Why Enable JavaScript?)

JavaScript is a very important technology for the web. Most of the web sites rely on JavaScript to work properly. Event the web pages can work without JavaScript this will be very limited and poor. By enabling JavaScript all features of the web site can be used like theme changing, actions, animations, applications logic, etc. If JavaScript is disabled, we can enable it easily on the Google Chrome browser.

JavaScript是网络上非常重要的技术。 大多数网站都依靠JavaScript正常运行。 如果网页可以在没有JavaScript的情况下运行,这将是非常有限和糟糕的。 通过启用JavaScript,可以使用网站的所有功能,例如主题更改,动作,动画,应用程序逻辑等。如果禁用了JavaScript,我们可以在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松启用它。

JavaScript gives the website owners the ability to run script and code inside our browsers. This can be a bit tricky and provide some security problems for harmfull web sites.

JavaScript使网站所有者能够在我们的浏览器中运行脚本和代码。 这可能会有些棘手,并为有害网站带来一些安全问题。

在Chrome中启用JavaScript (Enable JavaScript In Chrome)

JavaScript can be enabled from the “Settings” menu of the Chrome browser. We will open settings from the menu below. Alternatively we can use the following URL in order to access the JavaScript setting screen directly.

可以从Chrome浏览器的“设置”菜单中启用JavaScript。 我们将从下面的菜单中打开设置。 另外,我们可以使用以下URL来直接访问JavaScript设置屏幕。


Enable JavaScript In Chrome

In the following settings screen, we will navigate to the “Privacy and security”
