900字范文 > word中两张图片并排放置_如何轻松地将图像并排放置在WordPress中


时间:2018-09-13 06:41:42




Do you want to put images side by side in your WordPress content?


Often beginners struggle to find how to put two pictures next to each other in their WordPress posts and pages.


In this step by step guide, we will show how to easily put images side by side in WordPress (without writing any code).


使用块编辑器并排放置图像 (Using the Block Editor to Put Images Side by Side)

The easiest way to get your images side by side is to use the WordPress block editor.

并排获取图像的最简单方法是使用WordPress块编辑器 。

The block editor has a special ‘Gallery’ block that lets you display images in rows and columns.


First, you’ll need to create a new post / page or edit an existing one to open the content editor. Once inside, click the (+) symbol to add a new block.

首先,您需要创建一个新的帖子/页面或编辑现有的帖子/页面以打开内容编辑器。 进入内部后,单击(+)符号以添加一个新块。

Next, you need to select the Gallery block and add it to your page. You can find the Gallery block in the Common Blocks section, or you can use the search bar to quickly locate it.

接下来,您需要选择Gallery块并将其添加到页面中。 您可以在“公共块”部分中找到“画廊”块,也可以使用搜索栏快速找到它。

Now, you can easily add images to your gallery block, by dragging them into it or by using the Upload button. You can also select images from your WordPress media library.

现在,您可以通过将图像拖到图库中或使用“上载”按钮轻松地将其添加到图库中。 您还可以从WordPress 媒体库中选择图像。

As you can see, we’ve added 2 images to our Gallery block. WordPress has automatically positioned them side by side.

如您所见,我们已将2张图像添加到我们的Gallery块中。 WordPress自动将它们并排放置。

What if you want 3 images side by side? Here’s what happens if we add a third image. WordPress simply resizes the others to fit all 3 side by side:

如果要并排放置3张图像怎么办? 如果添加第三张图片,将会发生以下情况。 WordPress只是简单地调整了其他三个文件的大小以使其并排放置:
