900字范文 > 命令行cortana_如何使用Cortana运行任何命令提示符命令


时间:2021-10-31 21:18:27




Cortana may not be as popular as Microsoft was hoping for, but it can be useful. No longer do you need to be next to your computer to perform a task; you can shout it from the other side of the room.However, there are some things Cortana can’t do out of the box.

Cortana可能不像微软希望的那样受欢迎,但是它可能会有用。 您不再需要在计算机旁边执行任务。 您可以从房间的另一边喊出来。 但是,Cortana有一些开箱即用的功能。

Thanks to Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, for example, Cortana can now shut down, restart, lock, or sign you out of your PC. Just say “Hey Cortana, shut down my PC”—it’s that simple. It can’t, however, put your PC to sleep, which is the one thing I really would like to do with my voice.

例如,借助Windows 10的Fall Creators Update ,Cortana现在可以关闭,重新启动,锁定或注销您的PC。 只需说“嘿,Cortana,关闭我的电脑”,就这么简单。 但是,它无法使您的PC进入睡眠状态,这是我真正想用自己的声音做的一件事。

There’s an easy workaround for this, though. Cortana can open any program it finds in the Start Menu with a simple voice command. So if you can make a shortcut out of the task you want to perform—such as a Command Prompt command—Cortana can do it with your voice.

不过,有一个简单的解决方法。 Cortana可以使用简单的语音命令打开在“开始”菜单中找到的任何程序。 因此,如果您可以在要执行的任务中创建快捷方式(例如命令提示符命令),Cortana可以用您的声音来实现。

To do this, open File Explorer and paste the following path in the address bar:


%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

This will open up your Start Menu’s list of programs (which is where Cortana looks for shortcuts when you say a command). Right-click an empty area inside this folder and select New > Shortcut.

这将打开“开始”菜单的程序列表(Cortana在您说命令时会在其中查找快捷方式)。 右键单击此文件夹内的空白区域,然后选择“新建”>“快捷方式”。

In the location box, type the Command Prompt command you want to invoke with your voice. In my case, I want to put my PC to sleep—the command for which is:

在位置框中,键入您要用语音调用的命令提示符命令。 就我而言,我想让我的电脑进入睡眠状态,其命令是:

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

Obviously, replace this with whatever command you want to use. Click Next.

显然,将其替换为要使用的任何命令。 点击下一步。

On the next screen, name your shortcut whatever you want. In my case, I’m going to name it “Sleep Computer”.

在下一个屏幕上,根据需要命名快捷方式。 就我而言,我将其命名为“睡眠计算机”。

Click Finish when you’re done. You should see your new shortcut in the Programs folder.

完成后,单击“完成”。 您应该在“程序”文件夹中看到新的快捷方式。

That’s all it takes! Now you just need to invoke that shortcut by saying “Hey Cortana, Open [Shortcut Name].” In my case, I’d say “Hey Cortana, Open Sleep Computer”.

这就是全部! 现在,您只需要通过说“嘿Cortana,打开[快捷方式名称]”来调用该快捷方式。 就我而言,我会说“嘿,Cortana,开放式睡眠计算机”。

It’s not the most natural language in the world, but hey—for a geeky workaround, it’s not bad at all.


翻译自: /330934/how-to-run-any-command-prompt-command-with-cortana/

