900字范文 > mac 不能连接wi-fi_如何阻止Mac自动连接到Wi-Fi网络

mac 不能连接wi-fi_如何阻止Mac自动连接到Wi-Fi网络

时间:2023-09-07 18:01:48


mac 不能连接wi-fi_如何阻止Mac自动连接到Wi-Fi网络

mac 不能连接wi-fi

Your Mac automatically reconnects to Wi-Fi networks you’ve previously connected to. Starting with macOS High Sierra, you can now tell your Mac not to automatically connect to certain Wi-FI networks. Your Mac will remember the Wi-Fi network’s passphrase and other connection details, but won’t connect unless you tell it to.

您的Mac会自动重新连接到您之前连接的Wi-Fi网络。 从macOS High Sierra开始,您现在可以告诉Mac不要自动连接到某些Wi-FI网络。 您的Mac会记住Wi-Fi网络的密码短语和其他连接详细信息,但是除非您告知,否则不会连接。

This is useful for Wi-Fi networks you may use occasionally, like Comcast’s xfinitywifi or other public Wi-Fi networks. On older versions of macOS, you had to delete a saved Wi-Fi network and its passphrase to stop the automatic connection from occurring.

这对于您可能偶尔使用的Wi-Fi网络很有用,例如Comcast的xfinitywifi或其他公共Wi-Fi网络。 在旧版本的macOS上,您必须删除已保存的Wi-Fi网络及其密码,才能停止自动连接。

First, open the System Preferences window by clicking Apple menu > System Preferences.


Click the “Network” icon in the System Preferences window.


Select the “Wi-Fi” option in the left pane and choose the Wi-Fi network you want to modify from the Network Name box.

在左窗格中选择“ Wi-Fi”选项,然后从“网络名称”框中选择要修改的Wi-Fi网络。

Uncheck “Automatically join this network” and your Mac won’t automatically join the Wi-Fi network in the future.


You can also set the order of your Wi-Fi networks to tell your Mac to prefer certain Wi-Fi networks over other ones. Your Mac will try to connect to available Wi-Fi networks in the order you choose, preferring the ones at the top of the list.

您还可以设置Wi-Fi网络的顺序,以告知Mac与其他Wi-Fi网络相比,它们更喜欢某些Wi-Fi网络。 您的Mac将尝试按您选择的顺序连接到可用的Wi-Fi网络,而不是列表顶部的那些。

翻译自: /331645/how-to-stop-your-mac-from-automatically-connecting-to-a-wi-fi-network/

mac 不能连接wi-fi
