900字范文 > 霜生长模型 frost growth model英语短句 例句大全

霜生长模型 frost growth model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 06:23:36


霜生长模型 frost growth model英语短句 例句大全

霜生长模型,frost growth model

1)frost growth model霜生长模型

2)frost crystal growth霜晶生长

1.Theoretical analysis of interface transformation duringfrost crystal growth;霜晶生长的界面演变及机理分析

3)frost growth霜层生长

1.In this paper,frost growth was studied by experimental and theory method, the environmental factors influencefrost growth was confirmed and the forecast offrost growth was given, all this work establish a foundation for restrain thefrost growth and defrost.本文从实验以及理论两个方面对霜层生长现象进行研究,明确了影响霜层生长过程的各种环境因素,提供了霜层生长的预测,为除霜以及抑制霜层的研究建立基础。


1.Experimental Study on Restraint of Frost Fromation and Simulation and Forecast of the Process抑制结霜的实验研究和霜层生长的模拟与预测

2.Experimental Study and Theory Analyse on Frost Fromation;霜层生长过程的实验研究以及理论分析


puter simulation of frost growth and computation of its thermal conductivity霜层冰晶体的生长模拟及其热导率的计算

5.Growing season frosts are uncommon.生长期有霜实属罕见。

6.Effect of Late Frost Freezing on the Growth of Kiwifruit in Meixian晚霜冻害对眉县猕猴桃生长的影响及对策

7.Frost, if severe and long enough, kills exposed aphids, but enhances development of overwintering eggs.霜冻,如果是时间较长的霜冻,则可杀死裸露的蚜虫,但可引导产生越冬卵。

8.The windows were frosted over.窗户上结了一层霜。

9.Gardeners classify plants accrdiring to their life-duration and frost susceptibility.园艺学家根据植物的生命长短以及对霜害的敏感性去分类。

10.the development rhythm is blooming in the end of August and growing until dying at frost.在发育节律上的特点是8月末开花,而且一直生长到因霜冻而死。

11.The Study of Chinese Medicine Arsenictrioxide (AS_2O_3)"s Effect on Ovarian Cancer in Vitro and Liver Cell Growth Factor Expiession;中药砒霜(AS_2O_3)在卵巢癌体外作用及肝细胞生长因子表达的研究

12.Studies on the Inhibition of a Novel Short Peptide LD-1 against Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Its Growth Promoting Effects on the Cucumber新型短肽LD-1对黄瓜霜霉病的抑制作用及其对黄瓜的促生长研究

13.The outside dew point is so low that mildew is seldom a problem.户外霜点低,因此霜霉病很少发生。

14.A growth of salt crystals on a surface caused by evaporation of salt-laden water.起霜盐晶体增多,由盐水蒸发引起的表层起霜

15.To cover or decorate(a cake, for example) with a sugar coating.涂糖霜给(如蛋糕)盖上或装饰上一层糖霜

16.The sunshine duration is long, the temperature difference is big, the frost-free period is long, and the annual solar radiation amount is much, which is good for the growth of crops.日照时间长,昼夜温差大,无霜期长,年太阳能辐射量大,对农作物生长十分有利。

17.The birthday cake was frosted.生日蛋糕上加了糖霜。

18.Man"s life is like a candle in the wind or hoar-frost on the tiles.人生犹如风中烛,瓦上霜。


frost crystal growth霜晶生长

1.Theoretical analysis of interface transformation duringfrost crystal growth;霜晶生长的界面演变及机理分析

3)frost growth霜层生长

1.In this paper,frost growth was studied by experimental and theory method, the environmental factors influencefrost growth was confirmed and the forecast offrost growth was given, all this work establish a foundation for restrain thefrost growth and defrost.本文从实验以及理论两个方面对霜层生长现象进行研究,明确了影响霜层生长过程的各种环境因素,提供了霜层生长的预测,为除霜以及抑制霜层的研究建立基础。

4)growth model生长模型

1.Microstructure andgrowth model of C/C composites by chemical vapor infiltration;CVI炭/炭复合材料微观结构和生长模型

2.Estimating rice yield based on quantitative remote sensing inversion andgrowth model coupling;基于定量遥感反演与生长模型耦合的水稻产量估测研究

3.Impact on forest growth and relatedgrowth models of the Pinus massoniana population invaded by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus;松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)入侵对马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林分生长的影响及相关生长模型(英文)

5)growth models生长模型

1.A review ongrowth models of mixed forests;混交林生长模型研究进展

2.Moreover,t echniques of controlling microorga nisms and the application ofgrowth models in minimally proceed vegetable are disc ussed.主要介绍我国蔬菜业的生产现状,切割菜的研究概况,切割菜中微生物的主要来源,切割菜微生物控制技术的研究以及微生物生长模型在切割菜研究中的应用,为我国切割菜的品质控制提供参考。

3.Depending on the integrated standgrowth models of Cunninghamia lanceolata in Huitong, this paper established the naturalgrowth models of the full stocking stand and the common stands of Cuuninghamia lanceolata in Huitong.检验结果表明,这组生长模型可以满足林业生产和科研的精度要求。

6)defrosting model除霜模型


