900字范文 > 内壁表面 inside wall surface英语短句 例句大全

内壁表面 inside wall surface英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-31 19:20:35


内壁表面 inside wall surface英语短句 例句大全

内壁表面,inside wall surface

1)inside wall surface内壁表面


1.It has been difficult to solve problems associated with the thermal protection of the interior chamber walls.在解决燃烧室内壁表面隔热问题上曾经遇到困难。

2.Research on the Effect of Inner Surface Roughness of Waveguides on Performances of Electromagnetic Waves;波导内壁表面粗糙度对电磁波传输性能的影响研究

3.Study on the Temperature Change of the Ring Path of the Internal Surface of the Frozen Wall after Moldings砌壁后冻结壁内表面环向温度变化特征分析

4.Forecasting Analysis of the Inner Wall Roundness Error of the Tube Coupling in Turning Process油管接箍内壁车削加工中内表面圆度误差预测

5.Research on High-energy Beam Oil Tube Inner Surface Modification for Improving Wear and Corrosion Properties油管内壁高能束流抗磨抗蚀表面强化研究

6.Slippery Mold Construct of Internal Shaft Lining in Freezing Shaft on Large Sectio Thick Surface Soil大断面深厚表土层冻结井筒内层井壁滑模施工

7.An ornamental facing around a fireplace.壁炉饰面在壁炉四周的装饰表面

8.The walls of these bubbles move as a result of surface tension. The speed at which the walls move is proportional to the curvature of the bubbles.这些泡沫的内壁会因为表面张力而移动,内壁移动的速度,与泡沫的曲率成比例。

9.The Technology of Generating the Inner, Outer and Hanging Wall Surfaces in Housing CAD Systems住宅CAD系统中内壁、外壁及垂壁面生成技术

10.cylinder wall surface temperature transducer汽缸壁表面温度发送器

11.Shaft Slippery Mold Construction of Frosen Liner at Big Section with Deep Thick Surface Soil大断面深厚表土层冻结立井井筒内层井壁滑模施工

12."Stucco: Exterior or interior plasterwork used as three-dimensional ornamentation, as a smooth paintable surface, or as a wet ground for fresco painting."灰泥装饰:室内外的装饰灰泥,可作立体装饰、光滑的油漆表面或壁画的湿底面。

13.The technology of generating the Inner, Outer and Hanging Wall Surfaces in a Housing CAD System is presented in this paper.介绍住宅CAD系统中房屋的内部墙壁面、外部墙壁面以及垂壁墙壁面的生成技术。

14.As anti-corrosion primer for steel surface such as the new production of ship and offshore platform.主要用于新造船、上钻井平台即石油储罐内壁等钢铁表面的防腐底漆。

15.Theoretical expression ot the wall shearing stress has been deduced for the level rotary flow in an internal energy dissipation tunnel.本文推导了水平旋转内消能泄洪洞空腔环流壁面切应力的理论分析表达式。

16.In addition, some advice was given on soluting the axygenated burning loss of liquid aluminium surface and the erosion of crucible.此外,对解决铝液表面氧化烧损和坩埚内壁腐蚀问题提出了参考意见。

17.Analysis of wall shear stress on intracranial saccular aneurysms with daughter bubbles带子瘤颅内动脉瘤的壁面切应力分析

18.Most of the Dunhuang Murals depict Buddhist stories.敦煌壁画所表现的大都是佛教内容,


cylinder"s internal surface汽缸套内壁表面

3)vertical sidewall surface piezoresistor in plane面内垂直侧壁表面压阻

4)internal face内面;内壁面

5)surface obstacle表面壁障

1.The article analyzes and researches the changes of wool fabric surface modality after wool fabric treated by enzyme, throughsurface obstacle, dyeing uptake in different time and Allworden reaction, at the same time we draw an optimu.针对羊毛纤维具有染料上染困难,织物穿着时易毡缩等缺点,将羊毛纤维进行酶处理,通过对处理后羊毛纤维的表面壁障、不同时间染料的上染情况以及Allworden反应,分析研究了酶处理后羊毛纤维表面形态的变化,并得出了羊毛酶处理的最佳优化工艺。

2.The results showed that, after the H2O2 pretreatment, the proteases spread into the fibers more easily and formed the effects, and that Allworden phenomenon could take place on the wool treated with the two proteases, and thesurface obstacle could be partially eliminated to increase the dyeing rate.结果表明经双氧水预处理后,蛋白酶更容易向纤维内部扩散,并对其发生作用;羊毛经这2种蛋白酶处理后能发生Allworden现象并可部分消除其表面壁障,使上染率提高。

6)cold wall surface冷壁表面


