900字范文 > 产品物流特点 products logistics characteristics英语短句 例句大全

产品物流特点 products logistics characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 09:53:52


产品物流特点 products logistics characteristics英语短句 例句大全

产品物流特点,products logistics characteristics

1)products logistics characteristics产品物流特点

2)Characteristic of Agricultural Logistics农产品物流特性

3)product characteristic产品特点

1.In the process of translating advertisements,cultural differences andproduct characteristics should be taken into consideration.提出广告翻译不应囿于“忠实”,而应服务于产品销售,在广告翻译的过程中,要考虑文化差异,注意文化之间的转换并与产品特点紧密结合。


1.A New Viewpoint of Tourist Product Traits On the Essential Features of Tourist Production;旅游产品特点的新视角——论旅游产品的本质特征

2.There will be two courses--Introducing the Product Range and Advanced Product Features.将会有两个课程??产品系列介绍和高级产品特点。

3.Processing technology and product characteristics of delicious and piquant chafing dish seasoning were discussed mostly.介绍了鲜辣型火锅调料的生产工艺及产品特点。

4.Properties: It is a light yellow transparent liquid. The quality is guaranteed.产品特点:本品为浅黄色至黄色透明液体,品质纯正。

5.Product Characteristics,Process characteristics and Purebred of Pixian Douban郫县豆瓣产品特点、工艺特征、纯种分离及生产应用


7.Production features and quality control of small batch production with multi-species of worsted fabric精纺多品种小批量产品的生产特点及质量控制

8.High levels of product and project are an important feature of this zone.产品、项目水平高,是该区的重要特点。

9.It has the characteristic that Invests slightly, effects fast, hot sale and so on.其具有投资小,见效快,产品热销等特点。

10.This product is characterized by its fine workmanship and durability.这个产品的特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。

11.The Designing Characteristics and Principles of Mechanical Products for Environment;面向环境的机械产品设计特点及准则

12.A Discussion on Advantages and Features of Bee Products as Health-keeping Foods试论蜂产品在保健食品中的优势和特点

13.Productive features of sports service goods and its arrangement of organization;竞技体育服务产品的生产特点与组织制度安排

14.Characteristics of High speed Wire Rod Production Line and Current Situation of Products in Runzhong Company of Shazhou Iron and Steel Group;沙钢润忠公司高速线材生产线特点及产品现状

15.The Features, Special Properties and Cultivated Characteristics of High ard Stable Yield Spring Wheat Bo Chun No.1高产稳产春小麦新品种博春1号特征、特性及其栽培特点(简报)

16.but they think some features of our product are better than theirs.不过他们认为我们产品的某些特点比他们的产品好

17.Responses of Wheat Cultivars with Different Quality Traits to Mineral Nutrients;不同品质类型小麦品种产量和品质性状对无机营养的响应特点

18.Rules of Yield Evolution and the Characteristics of High Yield in Different Types of Japonica Rice;粳稻不同类型品种产量演化特点及高产特征研究


Characteristic of Agricultural Logistics农产品物流特性

3)product characteristic产品特点

1.In the process of translating advertisements,cultural differences andproduct characteristics should be taken into consideration.提出广告翻译不应囿于“忠实”,而应服务于产品销售,在广告翻译的过程中,要考虑文化差异,注意文化之间的转换并与产品特点紧密结合。

4)Product characteristics产品特点

1.This article briefly introduces the manufacturing technology and product characteristics of fiberglass paper for air filters abroad and summarizes the new technology for making this product in China as well as the foreign product testing and applications, hoping to draw the attention of the domestic producers of air filters.本文简述了国外玻纤空气滤纸生产技术和产品特点,并概括性的谈了国内新的玻纤滤纸生产技术,并对国外的检测和应用作了概述。

2.The production techniques of Xiaogan rice wine of different type and the product characteristics were summed up in this paper.归纳了酒精度含量呈梯级的4种孝感米酒:无醇米酒(饮料型)、低醇米酒(甜型)、干醇米酒(米酒醪)、高醇米酒(深度发酵型)的生产工艺和产品特点。

5)logistics service物流产品

1.But currently, mostlogistics services (called logistics product in this paper) are traditional and do not meet the potential logistics value, so they can not fulfill the demand of manufacturers in raising service satisfaction, supporting the business strategy and increasing the flexibility of manufacture.但是目前的物流服务(本文统称为物流产品)大都没有突破传统的物流服务范畴,没有发掘更多的物流价值,不能满足客户在增强服务满意度、支持商业战略和增加制造灵活性等方面不断提高的需求。

6)agricultural logistics农产品物流

1.Based on the case study of Shouguangagricultural logistics center,this paper discusses the construction of foundation facilities,logistics transactions and logistics operations of the center.以寿光农产品物流中心调研为实证对象,通过对寿光市蔬菜物流中心的基础设施建设、物流交易和物流运作情况进行分析,阐述了制约我国农产品物流中心物流发展的普遍问题,并提出了解决方法。

2.As for Heilongjiang Province,a major agricultural province,a base of national marketable grain and center of northeast Asia area,it is realistic significant to develop modelagricultural logistics.根据黑龙江省的实际情况,综合运用物流与战略理论对黑龙江省农产品物流发展状况进行分析,并据此初步确定黑龙江省物流发展的实践战略。

3.How to developagricultural logistics which has Anhui province s own characteristics is becoming a new project of Anhui province s logistics development.如何发展具有安徽本省特点的农产品物流问题正在成为安徽省物流行业新的课题。


农产1.指农业生产。 2.指农产品。
