900字范文 > 县级公共图书馆 county-level public library英语短句 例句大全

县级公共图书馆 county-level public library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-19 17:11:35


县级公共图书馆 county-level public library英语短句 例句大全

县级公共图书馆,county-level public library

1)county-level public library县级公共图书馆

1.This paper introduces the present situation and social demand of rural weak group,expounds the necessity ofcounty-level public library s serving the rural weak group,and advances some ideas and measures forcounty-level public library s serving the rural weak group.介绍了农村弱势群体的现状及社会需求,论述了县级公共图书馆为农村弱势群体服务的必要性,提出了县级公共图书馆为农村弱势群体服务的理念和具体措施。

2.This paper expounds the present situation and shortages of the continuous education of the librarians ofcounty-level public library, analyzes on the reasons why thecounty-level public library develops slowly, and advances some presumptions on the continuous education of the librarians ofcounty-level public library.阐述了县级公共图书馆员继续教育的现状及不足,分析了县级公共图书馆发展缓慢的原因,提出对县级公共图书馆员继续教育的设想。

3.This paper expounds briefly the present situation of the literature information service provided by our country scounty-level public library,analyzes on the problems existing in the information service and the reasons of these problems,and puts forward some corresponding solving methods.简述了我国县级公共图书馆文献信息服务工作的现状,分析了信息服务中存在的问题及其原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。


1.Taking Humanistic Care to the Common Masses for Public County Libraries县级公共图书馆面向大众的人文关怀

2.The county level Public library serves for the minority groups searches analyzes县级公共图书馆为弱势群体服务探析

3.Discussion on How the County-level Public Library to Make Rational Use of the Free Digital Information Resources论县级公共图书馆合理利用免费数字信息资源

4.The Automation Construction of County Public Libraries in Guangdong Province广东省县级公共图书馆自动化建设研究

5.Thoughts on the County Level Public Library Service for Minors县级公共图书馆为未成年人服务的几点思考

6.Analysis about Competitive Circumstance and Strategy of County/City Public Library in Network Environment;网络环境下市县级公共图书馆竞争环境与运营策略分析

7.On Local Literature Collection of County Libraries in Western Minority Areas论西部民族地区县级公共图书馆地方文献的收集工作

8.Development of County Libraries in Harmonious Society Construction和谐社会构建中县级公共图书馆工作实践与思考

9.Designing of Public Cultural Service System in Countryside Based on County-level Public Libraries-Taking Xinxiang in Henan Province as an Example基于县级公共图书馆的农村公共文化服务设计体系研究——以河南省新乡市为例

10.Exploration and Practice of Expanding Services of Public Libraries at the County-city Level县级市公共图书馆拓展服务的探索与实践——以宜兴市图书馆为例

11.A Survey and Reflection on the Development of Public Libraries in Counties or Cities of Hainan;对海南省县(市)级公共图书馆发展的调查与思考

12.Functional Design of Public Libraries in the new Rural Construction--Study of Country Level Libraries Facing Resource Shortage新农村建设中公共图书馆的功能设计——针对资源短缺型县级图书馆的研究

13.Development Strategies of the Cultural Information Resources Sharing Service of the County-level Library县级图书馆文化信息资源共享服务的发展策略

anization and Implementation of Culture Information Resource Sharing at County-level Libraries县级图书馆文化信息资源共享的组织与实施

15.The Practical Thinking of Digital Resources Sharing in County-Level Libraries对县级图书馆数字资源共享的切实思考

16.Analysis of Local Documents of Municipal Public Library浅析市级公共图书馆地方文献的征集

17.The Practice of Public Library Outreach Service-Taking the Xichuan County Library in Henan Province for Example公共图书馆推广实务——以河南省淅川县图书馆为例

18.Education of Information Literacy in High School and Primary School and County-level Public Library;县公共图书馆与中小学生信息素养教育


County public library县级公共图书馆

1.This article expounded the service condition of county public library, analyzed the backward reason, and put forward five counter-measures to improve it.阐述县级公共图书馆服务的现状,分析造成落后现状的原因,提出了改进现状的5条对策。

2.This paper expounds the development of county public library encouraged by the Spirit of the 17th NCCPC, and discusses how to grasp the opportunity to promote the leaping development of county public library and implements the spirit of the 17th NCCPC.阐述了党的十七大精神给县级图书馆的发展带来的福音,探讨了县级公共图书馆应如何把握机遇,推动县图书馆事业跨越式发展,落实十七大精神。

3)District public library区县级公共图书馆

4)county/city public library市县级公共图书馆

5)District/County Public Library区县公共图书馆

6)Provincial public library省级公共图书馆

parative Study on National Library,Shanghai Library,and Nanjing Library——Take Nanjing Library as an example and talk about the provincial public library service innovation国家图书馆、上海图书馆、南京图书馆比较研究——以南京图书馆为例兼谈省级公共图书馆的服务创新

2.Connecting with the development of the work of <Information Fast Report Weekly> of Nanjing Library, this paper probes into how the provincial public library to provide rapid, accurate and effect reference and consultancy service for the leaders of the Party and the government.文章结合南京图书馆《信息速报周刊》工作的开展,就省级公共图书馆如何更好地为党政领导决策提供快捷、准确而有效的参考咨询服务进行了探讨。


