900字范文 > 国家农业图书馆 National agricultural library英语短句 例句大全

国家农业图书馆 National agricultural library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 10:42:57


国家农业图书馆 National agricultural library英语短句 例句大全

国家农业图书馆,National agricultural library

1)National agricultural library国家农业图书馆

1.Analysis of the Current Situation of Documentation Utilization Rate in the National Agricultural Library of China;国家农业图书馆文献利用率现状分析

2.Analysis on the Resource Structure of Documentation in the National Agricultural Library;国家农业图书馆文献资源结构分析

3.Structural Analysis of Foreign Language Books in the National Agricultural Library;国家农业图书馆西文图书结构分析


1.Consideration on Services of Subject Librarian in the National Agricultural Library国家农业图书馆学科馆员服务的思考

2.Research of Information Services Development Strategies of the National Agricultural Library in the New Era;新时期国家农业图书馆信息服务发展战略研究

3.Study of the User-Oriented Information Service Models of the National Agricultural Library in China面向用户的国家农业图书馆信息服务模式研究

4.Research and Development of Content Management System for National Agricultural Library Service Platform;国家农业图书馆服务平台内容管理系统研究与开发

5.Exploitation and Utilization of Foreign Literatures and Information Resources in the Chinese National Agricultural Library;国家农业图书馆外文文献信息资源的开发与利用

6.The Information Need of Scientific Researchers and the Servicing Strategies of the National Agricultural Library;国家农业图书馆科研用户的信息需求与服务策略

7.Management and Maintenance of Catalogue Data of Japanese Periodicals in the National Agricultural Library国家农业图书馆日文期刊目录数据的管理及维护

8.IAALD (International Association of Agricultural Libraries and Documentalists)国际农业图书馆及文献工作者协会

9.National Autonomous Library and Library Services Institute国家自治图书馆和图书馆服务学会

10.Optimizeation of the Department Distribution in the National Exemplary Vocational Colleges Library优化国家示范性高等职业院校图书馆馆舍布局

11.On Western Library Science and the Library Undertaking in Modern China;西方图书馆学与中国近代图书馆事业

12.National Library of Australia澳大利亚国家图书馆

13.The experts in library science had made huge contribution for the modem Chinese library undertaking and library science start from scratch and prosperity.近代中国图书馆事业和图书馆学从无到有,再到兴盛,图书馆学家们作出了巨大的贡献。

14.Saxon State Library: State and University Library, Dresden萨克森国家图书馆:国家和大学图书馆,德累斯顿

15.Library and Archives of Canada and Library and Archives of Canada Act加拿大国家图书档案馆与国家图书档案馆法

16.Overview of the Second Phase of the Project of the National Library(National Digital Library)国家图书馆二期暨国家数字图书馆工程概述

17.next to the U.S. Library of Congress and Britain"s National Library.仅次于美国国会图书馆和英国国家图书馆。

18.Study on the Information Integrated Service System of Agriculture Digital Library in China;中国农业数字图书馆信息集成服务系统研究


NAL National Agricultural Library国家农业图书馆(美国)

3)NAL National Agricultural Library(U.S.A)国家农业图书馆[美]

4)NALCD National Agricultural Library and Centre for documentation国家农业图书馆与文献中心[匈]

5)Agricultural library农业图书馆

1.On the development of agricultural library in new period;新形势下农业图书馆发展对策探析

2.Based on analyzing the impacts of Internet environment on agricultural library information management,this paper has summarized the development trends of agricultural library management under Internet environment,identified existing problems,and provided improving measures.在分析了网络环境对农业图书馆管理影响的基础上,总结了网络环境下农业图书馆信息管理的发展趋势,剖析了农业图书馆信息管理存在的问题,进而提出了若干应对措施。

6)Agriculture library农业图书馆

1.Based on this,and by combining practical experience,the paper has put forward strategy of agriculture library information resource development,realistic library collection development,virtual library collection development and agriculture information resource development.从理论上对信息资源、农业信息资源的概念及其特点进行了探讨,并以此为依据,结合本馆的实际工作,从现实馆藏资源建设、虚拟馆藏资源建设、农业信息资源开发利用等几个方面,提出了农业图书馆信息资源建设的策略。


