900字范文 > 图像重建技术 image reconstruction technique英语短句 例句大全

图像重建技术 image reconstruction technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-14 21:52:02


图像重建技术 image reconstruction technique英语短句 例句大全

图像重建技术,image reconstruction technique

1)image reconstruction technique图像重建技术

1.To overcome the deficiencies of conventional X-ray mammography in sensitivity, specificity, security and comfortableness, animage reconstruction technique of time-domain diffuse optical tomography(DOT) for the optical mammography was presented.为了克服传统的X射线乳腺成像术在灵敏度、特异性、安全性和舒适性等方面存在的重大缺陷,提出了一种面向乳腺成像的时域扩散光学层析(diffuse optical tomography,DOT)图像重建技术。


1.The Research on the Algorithms of Super-resolution Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction in Spectral Domain;遥感图像的超分辨率图像重建技术频域方法的研究

2.Study on Image Reconstruction Algorithm of Electrical Capacitance Tomography;电容层析成像技术图像重建算法研究

3.Study on 3D Reconstruction of Medical X-CT Image;医用X-CT图像三维重建技术研究

4.Image Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction Technical Research Based on Virtual Human;虚拟人图像分割与三维重建技术研究

5.Study of Rendering 3D Reconstruction Ultrasound Medical Image;医学超声图像三维重建绘制技术研究

6.Research on 3D Reconstruction for Stereo Images of the IKONOS-Satellite;IKONOS卫星图像的三维场景重建技术研究

7.MAP-based Technology Study of Image Super-resolution Restoration;基于MAP技术图像超分辨率重建的研究

8.Technology Research of 3-D Reconstruction Based on CCD Image基于CCD图像的三维重建技术研究

9.Blind Super-Resolution Reconstruction and Face Hallucination图像盲超分辨率重建和人脸幻想技术

10.The Image Reconstruction Algorithm Research on Electrical Capacitance Tomography;电容层析成像技术的图像重建算法研究

11.Interpolation and Its Application in Super-resolution Reconstruction;图像插值技术及其在超分辨率图像重建中的应用

12.Research on Key Technologies for 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Image Sequences;基于非定标图像序列的三维重建关键技术研究

13.Research and Implementation on the 3D Reconstruction Technology of Medical CT Images;医学CT切片图像三维重建技术的研究与实现

14.Research and Application of Volume Rendering Technology in CT Faulted Image 3-D Reconstruction;CT断层图像三维重建中体绘制技术研究与应用

15.Research and Application of Interpolation Technology in CT Faulted Image 3-D Reconstruction;CT断层图像三维重建中插值技术研究与应用

16.The Research on Pre-Processing and 3D-Reconstruction of Medical Image;医学断层图像预处理及三维重建技术研究

17.Study on Medical Imaging 3D Construction and Interactive Volume Visualization Technology;医学图像三维重建及交互体视化技术研究

18.Research of 3D Reconstruction and Display Techniques for Ultrasonic Images;超声图像的三维重建与显示技术的研究


CT image surface reconstructionCT图像表面重建技术

3)Three-dimensional image reconstruction technique图像三维重建技术

4)image modeling techniques图像建模技术

5)image reconstruction图像重建

1.High-resolutionimage reconstruction in complex spectral OCT system;复谱频域OCT系统高分辨率图像重建

2.Application of SAGE algorithm in PETimage reconstruction using modified ordered subsets;基于改进的有序子集的SAGE算法在PET图像重建中的应用(英文)

3.Ultrasonicimage reconstruction with feature extraction of bones and skin of residual limb;残肢超声图像重建及骨骼与皮肤特征提取

6)imaging reconstruction图像重建


