900字范文 > 读外刊学英语|耶鲁大学热门选修“老牌网红课” 探求幸福真谛

读外刊学英语|耶鲁大学热门选修“老牌网红课” 探求幸福真谛

时间:2023-09-20 22:22:28


读外刊学英语|耶鲁大学热门选修“老牌网红课” 探求幸福真谛


The Yale happiness class, formally known as Psyc 157: Psychology and the Good Life, is one of the most popular classes to be offered in the university’s 320-year history.The class was only ever taught in-person once, during the spring semester. That March, a free 10-week version made available to the public via Coursera, titled “the Science of Well-Being,” also became instantly popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of online learners. But when lockdowns began last March, two full years later, the enrollment numbers skyrocketed. To date, over 3.3 million people have signed up, according to the website.


Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale and the head of the university’s Silliman College. “Everyone knows what they need to do to protect their physical health: wash your hands, and social distance, and wear a mask,” she added. “People were struggling with what to do to protect their mental health.” The Coursera curriculum, adapted from the one Dr. Santos taught at Yale, asks students to, among other things, track their sleep patterns, keep a gratitude journal, perform random acts of kindness, and take note of whether, over time, these behaviors correlate with a positive change in their general mood.


Tracy Morgan, a programming supervisor at the Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex in High River in Alberta, Canada, signed up for the class last June, as she was in lockdown with her children and husband. “There’s no reason I shouldn’t be happy,” she said. “I have a wonderful marriage. I have two kids. I have a nice job and a nice house. And I just could never find happiness.” Since taking the course, Ms. Morgan, 52, has made a commitment to do three things every day: practice yoga for one hour, take a walk outside in nature no matter how cold it may be in Alberta, and write three to five entries in her gratitude journal before bed.And some studies show that finding reasons to be grateful can increase your general sense of well-being.


Ewa Szypula, 37, a lecturer of French studies at the University of Nottingham in Britain. One small study from Dr. Santos’s curriculum that stuck with her involved polling 632 Americans to predict how happy they would be if they were given $5 to spend on themselves versus getting $5 and being told they must spend it on someone else. In the study, people predicted that they would be happier if they were allowed to keep the money. But participants consistently reported afterward that they had in fact derived more satisfaction from spending money on someone. Dr. Szypula had the opportunity to combine her newfound knowledge in a practical experiment on her sister’s birthday. Instead of keeping an expensive dress she had bought, she gave it to her sister. “I’m still feeling that happiness months later,” she said.


Not every student of the class has felt transformed. Matt Nadel, 21, a Yale senior said he was disappointed that the class was a sort of review of the kinds of obvious good advice you may get from a grandmother: Get enough sleep, drink enough water, just do your best. “I knew that sleeping was good. I knew that my grades didn’t matter for long-term happiness, that I wasn’t going to be a happier, better person because of having good grades,” he said. “Did the class impact my life in a long term, tangible way? The answer is no.”While the class wasn’t life-changing for him, Mr. Nadel said that he is more expressive now when he feels gratitude. “Which is great,” he said. “But that’s about all.”



Happiest DaysPoet: Edward H. Donnelly

I said to the little children,

"You are living your happiest days,

"And their bright eyes opened wider In innocent amaze.

For their happiness was so perfect,

They did not know it then;

"Oh, no," they said, "therell be happier days

When we are women and men."

I said to the youth and maiden,

"You are living your happiest days,"

And into their sparkling eyes there crept

A dreamy, far-off gaze;

And their hands sought one another,

And their cheeks flushed rosy red;

" Oh, no," they said, " therell be happier days

For us when we are wed."

I said to the man and woman,

"You are living your happiest days,"

As they laughingly watched together

Their babys cunning ways.

"These days are days of labor.

They can hardly be our best;

Therell be happier days when the children are grown,

And we have earned our rest."

I said to the aged couple,

"You are living your happiest days,"

Your children do you honor,

You have won success and praise.

" With a peaceful look they answered,"

God is good to us, thats true: But we think there are happier days for us

In the life we e going to."
