900字范文 > 看了就让人心疼的句子 希望你永远也看不懂

看了就让人心疼的句子 希望你永远也看不懂

时间:2023-07-18 07:26:30


看了就让人心疼的句子 希望你永远也看不懂

“他本就普通 是你的爱为他镶上了金边”

"He was ordinary, and your love inlaid him with Phnom Penh"

“玫瑰与晚霞共绘浪漫 你是我心底的爱意泛滥”

"Roses and sunset glow paint romance together. You are the flood of love in my heart"


"The greatest regret in life is not to miss the best person, but to miss the person who wants to be good to himself most"


"Give time, let the past pass, let the beginning begin, the moon will not run to you, but I am willing to travel thousands of miles"


"In the future, if you promise him a long friendship, will you remember the old time you owe me"
