900字范文 > 初中英语语法24讲 第17讲 非谓语动词

初中英语语法24讲 第17讲 非谓语动词

时间:2020-08-02 21:12:08


初中英语语法24讲 第17讲 非谓语动词

第17章 非谓语动词


典型例句:1.To hearyour voice is so nice.(听到你的声音真高兴。)(动词不定式)

典型例句:2.Readingbooks makes one wise.(读书使人明智。)(动词-ing形式)

典型例句:3.This is a bookwrittenby Balzac.(这是巴尔扎克写的一本书。)(过去分词)







To learn a foreign language is not easy.(学习外语不是一件容易的事。)


Her job is to look after the children.(她的工作就是照顾孩子。)


He wants to buy some stamps.(他想买一些邮票。)


The doctor told me to have a rest.(医生叫我休息一下。)


I want something to eat.(我想要一些吃的。)


Yesterday they came to visit us.(昨天他们来拜访我们。)


A.一般式:to do表示不定式的动作发生在谓语的动作之后,或同时发生。

I want to visit my teacher.(我想去拜访我的老师。)(表示之后)

I believe him to be a good student.(我相信他是个好学生。)(表示同时)

B.完成式:to have done表示不定式的动作发生在谓语的动作之前。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.(非常抱歉让你等了那么长时间。)

C.进行式:to be doing表示不定式的动作与谓语的动作同时进行。

He seems to be worrying about it.(他似乎正在担心它。)

D.被动语态:to be done表示被动关系。

The sick man will need to be taken to a hospital.(这个病人需要被送到医院。)




I don’t know what to do.

=I don’t know what I should do.(我不知道应该做什么。)


I don’t know what to do.(我不知道做什么。)(疑问代词what作宾语)

I don’t know how to do it.(我不知道怎么做。)(疑问副词how作状语)



He has an important meeting to attend.(定语)(他有一个重要的会议要参加。)


They want a big room to live in.(他们想要一个大房间住。)

Pass me a knife to cut the bread with.(递给我一把刀切面包。)



The house is very comfortable to live in.(这房子住起来非常舒服。)

The pen is good to write with.(这支钢笔写起来很好用。)




The boss made Tom’s father work all day.(老板让汤姆的爸爸整天工作。)


I saw him go into the classroom just now.(我看到他刚才进了教室。)


He was made to do the job at once.(他被迫立刻做这个工作。)



一感:feel;二听:hear,listen to;三让:let,have,make;

四观看:observe,see,watch,look at


Mother often tells Tom not to play football in the street.(妈妈经常叫汤姆不要在街上踢足球。)


A:Did you go to see the Great Wall?(你去长城了吗?)

B:Yes,I went to.(是的,我去了。)(省略了see the Great Wall)

A:Did Mary go there with you?(玛丽是和你一起去的那里吗?)

B:No,her mother didn’t let her.(不,她妈妈没有让她去。)



F.接不带to的不定式作宾补的动词有let,make,have,see,watch,feel,listen to等。




It is too hard for him to work out such a difficult problem.


I.既可接不定式,又可接动词-ing形式的动词有like,love,hate,start,begin,need和stop,remember,forget,go on,try等,前者意义没有多大的区别,后者区别较大。


K.带to的不定式作定语的动词有have,there be。

I have a few letters to write.(我有一些信要写。)

L.不定式to在一些情态动词或助动词及一些表“意愿”的动词之后代替上文提到的动词。这类动词有have,be able,be going,hope,like,love,try等。

A:Would you like to go with me?(你愿意跟我一起去吗?)

B:Yes,I’d like to.(是的,我愿意。)



My teacher didn’t tell me what to do next.(我的老师没有告诉我下一步要做什么。)

B.too...to.../enough to...

They are too shy to speak English.(他们太害羞了以至于不能说英语。)

It’s too dark for him to see anything in the room.(对他来讲房间里面太暗了什么也看不见。)


The box is too heavy for him to lift.(这个盒子对他来讲太沉了,他抬不动。)

=The box is so heavy that he can’t lift it.(这个盒子太沉了,他抬不动。)

C.It is/was+形容词+of sb. to do sth.(形容词能修饰sb.和to do sth.)

It is/was+形容词+for sb. to do sth.(形容词只能修饰to do sth.)

It was very clever of him to do it like that.(他那样做很聪明。)


It was hard for him to say goodbye.(对他来讲,说声再见是很难的。)


注意:of sb.句型可以转换成一个不定式作状语的句子,而for sb.句型则不可以。

It is very kind of you to help me.→You are very kind to help me.(你帮助我真是太好了。)

补充:形容词/副词+enough to do sth.与so...that...can do sth.的转换:

He runs fast enough to get there first.(他跑得快可以第一个到那里。)

→He runs so fast that he can get there first.(他跑得那样快以至于他能第一个到那里。)

D.Why (not) do?为什么(不)……?

A:Let’s go out to eat tonight.(今晚我们出去吃吧。) B:Yes,why not?(好啊。)

E.There be...to do有……要做

There are some clothes to wash.(有一些衣服要洗。)

There is a room to clean.(有一间屋子要打扫。)

F.be about to do sth.正要去做;将要去做

I was about to go to bed when the policeman knocked at the door.


G.had better do sth.最好……/had better not do sth.最好不要……

You had better not eat too much.(你最好不要吃太多。)

H.so as to...为了

so as to...一般不能放在句首,意思相当于in order to。

He got up early so as to meet his parents at the airport.






Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.


It’s useless arguing with him.(和他争辩是没有用的。)



She looks forward to walking in the flower-lined garden every spring.


I am considering selling my house to collect the money.(我正考虑卖掉房子筹款。)

Good news keeps on coming.(好消息接踵而至。)

The girl was told to practice playing the piano for three hours every day.




His favourite sport is hiking.(他最喜欢的体育项目是徒步旅行。)

My job is playing all kinds of musical instruments.(我的工作是演奏各种乐器。)


动词-ing形式在listen to,see,hear,watch,notice,feel,find,leave,look at,have等动词后作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行。

They left the fire burning all day long.(他们让火烧了一天。)

Do you notice him writing something there?(你注意到他在那里写什么吗?)

The policeman caught him stealing the bike.(警察抓住他正在偷自行车。)

I hear him singing in the next room.(我听见他在隔壁房间里唱歌。)





The dancing girl (=The girl who is dancing) is my classmate.(那个跳舞的女孩是我的同班同学。)

The new hospital being built (=which is being built) is just near our school.





Hearing the good news (=When they heard the good news),the students were wild with joy.


Having watered the vegetables (=After they had watered the vegetables),they went back home for breakfast.(他们浇过菜之后,就回家吃早饭了。)


Being so poor in those days (=As we were so poor in those days),we couldn’t afford to send the boy to the hospital.(由于那时太穷了,我们没有能力送孩子上医院。)

Having already seen the film twice (=As we had already seen the film twice),we didn’t go to the cinema.(因为这部电影我们已经看过两次了,所以我们没有去电影院。)


Standing on the top of the tower (=If we stand on the top of the tower),we can see as far as the Yangtze River.(如果我们站在塔顶上就能看到长江。)


Her husband died in 1942,leaving five children with her (=and left five children with her).



Every evening they sat on the sofa watching TV (=and watched TV).





单个的过去分词或带副词的单个过去分词作定语时,放在所修饰词的前面,为前置定语,具有形容词的特点。如:a broken window一扇打碎了的窗户;a recently-built house一栋最近建造的房子;a newly-married couple一对新婚夫妇



He is a man loved and respected by all.(他是一个受到大家爱戴和尊敬的人。)



a returned(不及物动词)scholar (=a scholar who has returned)一个归国学者

The first textbooks written for teaching English (=which were written for teaching English) as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.


The computer center opened last year (=which was opened last year) is very popular among the students in this school.(去年开办的计算机中心很受这个学校学生的欢迎。)


He was terrified at seeing this scene.(看到这个场景他很害怕。)

The door remained unlocked.(门仍然没锁。)



The cup is broken.(杯子是破的。)(过去分词表状态)

The cup was broken by my brother.(这个杯子是我弟弟打破的。)(被动语态表动作)


We became/got excited.

We were excited by the news.(听到这个消息我们很兴奋。)

(×)We became/got excited by the news.




He raised his voice in order to make himself heard by the audience.


I must have my hair cut tomorrow.(明天我得理发了。)

Jane had her purse stolen on the bus yesterday.(昨天在公共汽车上,简的钱包被偷了。)

Mary got the car washed.(玛丽请人给她洗了车。)

We mustn’t leave the work unfinished.(我们不能让工作半途而废。)


I saw a girl knocked down by a truck.(我看见一个女孩被一辆卡车撞倒了。)

I once heard the song sung in German.(我曾经听过这首歌被用德语唱过。)


We wished the problem settled at once!(我们希望问题马上得到解决!)

He was thinking for a while with his eyes closed.(他闭着眼睛思考了片刻。)



Asked (=When he was asked) how he broke into the room,he made no answer.(表示时间)


Deeply moved (=As we were deeply moved) by the film,we all cried.(表示原因)


Given (=If we had been given) more help,we could have done the work better.(表示条件)


The teacher sat there,(=and was) surrounded by his students.(表示伴随情况)



When complete (=When the museum is completed),the museum will be open to the public next year.(博物馆竣工后,其将于第二年向公众开放。)

The research is so designed that once begun (=once the research is begun) nothing can be done to change it.(此项研究被设计成,一旦开展,将无可改变。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


I heard mother __________ with father in the next room at ten last night.





A:The light in the office is still on. B:Oh,I forgot __________.





__________ in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.



正确解析:固定短语sb. be dressed in(+衣服/颜色)意为“某人穿着(某种(颜色)衣服)”,dress作及物动词时后接入。B项表示目的,不符合语境。正确答案为A。


We finished the run in less than half the time __________.



正确解析:allow与time之间是动宾关系,故用allowed作定语修饰time,相当于that had been allowed的省略。正确答案为C。

Final Check(实力测验)


1.Paul doesn’t have to be made __________.He always works hard.

2.We agreed __________ here but so far she hasn’t come yet.

3.Charles Babbage is generally considered __________ the first computer.

4.Little Jim should love __________ to the theatre this evening.

5.A:I usually go there by train. B:Why not __________ by boat for a change?

6.She reached the top of the hill and stopped __________ on a big rock by the side of the path.

7.Alice pretended __________ me when I passed by.

8.We didn’t want the problem __________ again.

9.Have you had the nurse __________ your son’s temperature?

10.He felt a stone __________ his back.

11.He loves parties.He is always the first __________ and the last __________.

12.__________,one needs much practice.

13.__________ now seems impossible.

14.It is necessary __________ wildlife.

15.He said he had an important meeting __________.

16.It’s raining hard.I cannot help but __________ at home.

17.It’s easier to pull down than __________.

18.I would love __________ to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

19.She can’t help __________ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

20.When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the right person __________.

21.They knew her very well.They had seen her __________ up from childhood.

22.The chair looks hard,but in fact,it is very comfortable to __________.

23.Mother __________ us stories when we were young.

24.Alice has been working for an hour and now she stops __________ on the sofa.

25.There was nothing for us to do but __________ the injured man to the hospital.

26.__________ a teacher in a university,it is necessary to have at least a master’s degree.

27.I usually forget __________ the door,but I remembered __________ it when I left yesterday.

28.Everybody is busy __________ ready for Christmas and buying Christmas presents.

29.Mr.Brown asked us to stop __________,and we stopped __________ to him at once.

30.We kept __________ the ball to each other,and they began to get angry.

31.Wu Dong is good at __________ English aloud.

32.I try __________ the door,but she doesn’t agree.

33.You should keep on __________ English every day.

34.The found many people __________ under the big tree.

35.Mr.Li took his tape recorder to the shop to __________.

36.The young man entered the house and left me __________ outside.

37.The girl looked at me with a __________ expression.Maybe the problem was quite __________.

38.Our head teacher caught Li Hua __________ in the corner.

39.When I returned to my village twenty years later,I found it completely __________.

40.__________ from the top of the hill,the small town looks very beautiful.







4.should/would like/love后接动词不定式,Jim与take是逻辑上的动宾关系,故不定式用被动语态。

5.try后接不定式表示“尽力,企图(做某事)”,接动名词则表示“试着(做)”。Why not后接名词、代词或动词原形。

6.stop+doing意为“停止手中正在做的事”;stop+to do意为“停止手中的事去做另一件事”。



9.本题是使役动词have+宾语+宾语补足语的结构。have sb. do中的sb.与后面的动词是逻辑上的主谓关系,have在此相当于ask或get,但用ask或get则应说ask/get sb. to do。





14.It is+形容词+for/of to do句型中,for与of的选择这样确定:如果能将以上句型改为sb.+be+形容词+to时,则用介词of,反之则用for。


16.cannot help but后的动词不定式不带to,意为“不得不”。注意:cannot help (to) do意为“不能帮忙做……”;cannot help doing意为“禁不住做……”。



35.have sth. done是叫别人做某事,过去分词的动作不是句子的主语发出的,而是别人去做。







1. Lily refused ______ her daughter to the after-school training center for extra classes.( 松江二模)

A. to send B. sendingC. sent D. send

2. There was a lot of traffic, but Dan and his friends managed ________ at the airport in time.( 普陀二模)

A. arriveB. arrived C. to arriveD. arriving

3. My grandma’s memory is getting worse. She keeps________ things and people’s names.( 普陀二模)

A. forgetB. forgot C. to forget D. forgetting

4、The headmaster had the students their own decision about the name and different sections of the school newspaper. ( 宝山二模)

A、to make B、make C、making D、made

5、The litter boy keptquestions about the spaceship while we were in the Space Museum.( 宝山二模)

A、askB、askedC、to askD、asking

6.It was raining. My father asked me _____ a raincoat.( 奉贤二模)

A.to takeB. takeC. taking D. took

7.___ a sport may help children relax.

A) PlayB) Playing C) Played D) Plays

8. My parents told me_____ alone because I am too young and its not safe.( 奉贤二模)

A) not traveling B) not to travel C) not travel D) no traveling

9、While you live in my house, I expect you _____ the rules..(闵行二模)

A、to follow




10、 Its wise of young people to avoid _____ the same mistakes again and again. .(闵行二模)


B、to make


D、to making

11. According to the government, air quality in Olympic zone keeps _______. (徐汇二模)

A. improve

B. to improve

C. improving

D. improved

12. Windows in the dining hall allow guests _______ the whole cooking process. (徐汇二模)

A. see

B. seeing

C. to see

D. Seen

13.Joe has decided the coming summer holiday wity his family in Xinjiang.(金山二模)



to spend


14.It’s rather difficult for a heavy smoker to give up in a short time.(金山二模)





15.The headmaster had the students ________ their own decision about the name and different sections of the school newspaper.(嘉定二模)

to make




16.The little boy kept ________ questions about the spaceship while we were in the Space Museum.(嘉定二模)



to ask


17、 Charlie enjoys his mother with the housework in his free time..(崇明二模)


B、to help


D、 helps

18、Tina has decided in a village school after graduation to help the children there..(崇明二模)


B、to teach



19. My mum always avoids ___ home from work at 5 p.m. as there’s so much traffic then.(杨浦二模)

A. travel B. travelling C. to travel D. to travelling

20. Our decision ___ for some drink made us late for the train.(杨浦二模)

A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. to stopping



Choose the best answer.

1. The farmers stop ______in the field and have a rest when the sun sets every day.

to work B. worked C. working D. work

2. Id rather ___________half an hour to work than drive a car. Driving less can reduce air pollution.

A.ride B.riding C.to ride D.to riding

3. Lucy is so shy that she dare not invite her classmates to practice_____________ with her for the New Year Party.

A.dancing B.dance C.to dance D.to dancing

4. If you want to be on time for an important meeting in a crowded city like Shanghai, you’d better ________ home early.

A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. left

5. Mr. White will take charge of _______ invitation cards for the celebration party next month.

A. prepare B. prepared C.preparing D. to prepare

6. You’d better______ long hours in the office. Go out and have a rest for a while.

A.not work B.not to work C,don’t work D.not to working

7. Mother told Jimmy ______ with her friends online and said it was a waste of time.

A.to stop to chat B.stooping to chat

C.stop to chat D.to stop chatting

8.The most important thing for a good detective to do is ______the innocent.

A.to protect B.protects C.protected D.protect

9.You’d better_____ the homework today, as tomorrow we will not have time.

A.finishing B.finishes C.to finish D.finish

10. In my opinion, Hollywood is really a wonderful place _____.

A.visit B.to visit C.visiting D.visited

11. You can ask your teacher for help if you can’t finish ______ the report by yourself.

A.write B.writing C.to write D.wrote

12. Lily thinks she is too fat and refuses________ as usual, which makes his parents worried.

A.to eat B.eat C.eating D.eats

13. When the detective interviewed the man, he denied _______ the expensive earrings.

A.to steal B.stealing C.steals D.steal

14. Mr. White always expected his son _______________ an active part in the classes.

A. taking B. take C. takes D. to take

15. The suspect admitted _______________ the chemical in the lab before he killed his roommate.

A. to steal B. stealing C. stole D. steal



Choose the best answer.

1.My little cousin enjoys picture books before he goes to bed.

A.to read B.read C.reads D.reading

2. The policeman caught the drunk driver, but he didn’t remember ________ the old lady.

A.knock down B.to knock down C.knocked down D.knocking down

3. Most children expect Father Christmas ________ them the gift as they wish.

A.give B.to give C.gave D.giving

4.The organization is considering _________some money to victims of the natural disaster.

A.donate B.donating C.to donate D.to donating

5.The modern fashion in education is to let the child ________everything!

A.decide B.decides C.to decide D.deciding

6. My mother didn’t expect _______ such a lovely present from me!

A.receive B.received C.to receive D.receiving

7. The little boy denied _____ the window with a stone.

A.break B.broke C.to break D.breaking

8. The system has the ability ________ more than one program at the same time.

A. running B. runs C. to run D. ran

9. The bank clerk admitted _______ everything about the plan of the robbery at last.

A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knew

10. It is said that nowadays young people would rather_____their friends for advice.

A. asked B. ask C. to ask D. asking

11. If I can’t finish _____________my homework now, I’ll go on with it after supper.

A.Do B.doing C.did D. to do

12. The teacher told the student __________attention to his spelling and grammar.

A. Pay B. will pay C. to pay D. paying

13. Even in the police station, the thief still denied ______ the girl’s wallet from her pocket.

A.steal B.stole C.stealing D.to steal

14. To live a green life, we try ________ more energy and produce less pollution.

A. to saveB. save C. saves D. saved

15. Mr. White spent about one hour and a half __________ the accident report yesterday evening.

A. write B. written C. writingD. to write

