900字范文 > 20句治愈唯美文案 成年人最体面的分手 是好聚好散

20句治愈唯美文案 成年人最体面的分手 是好聚好散

时间:2021-05-23 04:54:54


20句治愈唯美文案 成年人最体面的分手 是好聚好散

很多事情是一致的。 我觉得我们的前生是一个人。

A lot of things agree. I think we were the same in our previous lives.


There is only one name in the world, so I hold my stomach like there are invisible threads, each one firmly tied to my heart, each one held in your hand.


Stop that day, lively masses, noisy streets, looking for my love you, is to find you say to you "I love you!

千言万语也无法表达我对你的感情。 我想和你一起去。

A thousand words can express how I feel about you. I want to go with you.

如果你需要我爱你亿万年,我会和你一起去天荒地老! 对不起,我爱你!

If you need me to love you billions of years, I will go with you forever! Im sorry, I love you!

如果青蛙不变成王子,公主不醒来,美人鱼不变成泡沫,我会相信爱吗? 相信我! 因为你在我身边。

If a frog does not turn into a prince, a princess does not wake up, and a mermaid does not turn into foam, will I believe in love? Believe me! Because you are by my side.


When we sat face to face, it was the most beautiful moment in the world, and I was wrong to give it to the village head!


Before I met you, I did not know the feeling of missing and the sweetness of love

请答应我。 这种心情会和你在一起一辈子!

Promise me, please. This mood will be with you for a lifetime!


Money is a good thing, but 100 bucks won get you a smile

一千元不能换取你的娇惯。 一万元不能换取你的拥抱

A thousand dollars won buy your indulgence. Ten thousand won get you a hug

一百万人也改变不了你的本意。 愿我们永远是爱情的大富翁。

A million people can change who you are. May we always be the millionaire of love.


In winter, send the sun to Hainan


Summer, send cool ice city


Spring, and you row the Lijiang River


In autumn, I watch Lushan turning yellow with you


May your heart be beautiful, unique in the world!

谁说现在是冬天? 当你在我身边的时候,百花齐放,我感觉到鸟在歌唱蝉的叫声。

Who said it was winter? When you are by my side, a hundred flowers bloom and I feel the birds singing the cicadas call.

冬天过去了,春天来了。 心在等待,等待真爱。

Winter passed and spring came. Heart is waiting, waiting for true love.

不需要在脚步上徘徊,眼睛不再怀疑。 大胆地敞开胸膛,勇敢地表露爱意。

No need to linger on the steps, eyes no longer doubt. Don be afraid to open your chest and show your love.
