900字范文 > 仁爱英语八年级上册U3T2 SectionB

仁爱英语八年级上册U3T2 SectionB

时间:2024-01-18 02:16:18


仁爱英语八年级上册U3T2 SectionB


right now 此时

ring ... up 给......打电话

speak to sb 和......讲

leave a message 留下口信

go ahead 请继续



1. could 和 can

初中英语中,我们会学到大多数情态动词的用法,其中大家最熟悉的就是 can,can 除了表示能力,还可以表示可能性,还可以用老表达请求或建议,一旦学到 can 和 could 表示请求,老师就谁说“could 比 can ”的语气更加委婉。

为什么 could 比 can 语气委婉呢?

我们知道,在表示可能性的时候,我们可用 can,也可以用其过去式 could,可以使用 may,也可以用其过去式 might,请注意:could 比 can 可能性小!might 比 may 可能性低!

这样就可以理解:如果你用 could 表达请求,是把对方答应你的请求的可能性在主观上降低,或者可以理解为,你在提问的时候,表现的“内心不确定”,不确定对方会不会答应。这样就让对方觉得“啊,你很客气呢,你很谨慎啊,答不答应的确是由我来主宰啊!”,这样,所谓的委婉语气就出来了!

另外,你还可以根据“亲疏远近、事情重要程度”来决定使用 could 还是 can,比如借用手机,如果对方是你的闺蜜,是你的好基友,你完全可以用 can 来提问:

Can I use your cell phone?

如果对方是你的英语老师,而你又很少和他/她接触,或者你为了把自己表现得respectful,或者把英语老师表新的 respectable,你就可以用 could:

Could I use your cell phone?

另外,can 还可以用于表达能力:

He can swim well. 他能游得很好。

can 还可以表示可能性:

That can be Mr. Chen. 那不可能是陈老师。

2. speak、talk、say、tell 都有“说”的意思,但它们的意义和用法不同。

speak“讲话、发言、演说”,后面跟人做宾语要加介词 to, speak 作及物动词时后面跟各种语言;

Can you speak French? 你会说法语吗?

Who will speak at the meeting? 谁将在会上发言?

May I speak to John, please? 我能和约翰讲话吗?或 请找约翰接电话好吗?


speak out 畅所欲言,直言不讳的说

speak up 大声说,毫不犹豫地说出

talk“谈话、闲谈”,是不及物动词, 后面跟人的时候用介词with、to 等, 后面跟“事情”要用到介词about ;

Who is talking to your mom? 谁再和你妈妈聊天?

Mr. Chen wants to talk to you. 陈老师要和谈谈。

What are they talking about? 它们在聊啥?

talk 常见的短语还有:

talk down :以高声或连续的话说出

talk into 说服......做......

talk of 谈到,表示要

talk over 讨论(事情)

say 是及物动词,表示说的内容,即说了什么话;

What did you say? 你刚才说啥来着?

He said he would come to join us. 他说他回来加入我们。

Say no to smoking. 拒绝吸烟。

What he said made me very sad. 他说的话叫我很伤心。

很炫酷的 say 口语:

You said it.[美]正是这样; 你说对了; 我同意。

Say away! 说出来吧!

say for oneself为自己辩护; 为自己找借口

say no 拒绝, 反对

Say no more! 不用再说下去了! 你的意思我全懂了!

Say on! 继续说吧!

say out直说, 坦率说出

say over背诵

say to oneself自言自语; 心里想

say when酒斟够了请说一声 [喻]停止, 制止

Says you![俚]我不信! 去你的! 胡说!

tell 表示“讲述、告诉”是及物动词, 后面首先要跟人, 然后再跟从句或者介词短语等。

Tell me if you need any help.


Have you ever told a story about ghosts?


To tell you the truth, I don like ghost stories.


另外,tell the difference 意为区别,如:

I can tell the difference between you two.


3. 反身代词语法



(1)Jane is too young to look after herself.(简年纪太小,以至于不能照看自己)

(2)Iteach myself English.(我自学英语)

(3)He didn hurt himself, thank goodness.(他未伤了他自己,谢天谢地。)



(1)You must do it yourself.(你必须自己做)

(2)I myself did the homework last night。(昨晚是我自己做了家庭作业)


当反身代词与by搭配时,意为∶ 单独地,没有人帮助的。例如∶

(1)We must finish it all by ourselves.


(2)He can swim all by himself.




1. Lucy and Lily, I am sure you can teach (yourself)Chinese.

2. My sister is a shy girl. She is afraid of (speak)English in public.(speak)

3. You look tired. Do you need (rest)for a while?

4. He drove very slowly (prevent) the accident.

5. I would like ________ (leave) a message.


1. — Dad, Mom asked you _________ when you come back.


A. ring up herB. ring her up

C. to ring up herD. to ring her up

2. Ling isn ______. Can I take a message ______ him?

A.图片 in; forB. on; forC. at; ofD. in; of 图片

3. Don be afraid______ me questions, if you don understand.

A. of askingB. askedC. askD. asking

4. —Who taught _______ Japanese?

—I learned it by _______.

A. you; myself B. your; myself

C. yourself; me D. yourself; myself

5. --- Would you like to leave your phone number?

--- No, thanks. I will call back ________.

A. late B. later C. much later D. latest



Mr. Zhao asks us ____ ______ _______ late again tomorrow.

2 .他明天下午会打电话给你。

He will ____ ______ ______ tomorrow afternoon.

3. 在我妈妈的帮助下,我学会了做饭。

____ ____ ______ ______my mother, I learned cooking.


The computer can _______ you _______ your studies.


I will _______ your _______ to Li Feng by myself.


1. I can’t finish it by.

2. She said she enjoyedin the park.网]

3. We can’t finish the work by . We need your help.

4. Be careful with a knife, Tom! Don’t hurt .

5. Help to some fruit, kids.

6. The kids can’t take care of(them).



1. yourselves

2. speaking

3. to rest

4. to prevent

5. to leave


1. 选D, ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事,ring sb up 给某人打电话

2. 选D, be in 在家,take a message for sb 给某人捎口信

3. 选A, be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事

4. 选A, teach sb sth 教某人某事,by oneself 独自,单独

5. 选A, later adv. 稍后


1.not to be

2. ring you up

3. With the help of

4. help , with

5.take, message


1. myself.

2. ourselves ]

3. ourselves

4. himself.

5. themselves

6. themselves
