900字范文 > 《射雕英雄传》要出英文版了!看到这些武功招式 心疼翻译……

《射雕英雄传》要出英文版了!看到这些武功招式 心疼翻译……

时间:2018-07-23 01:30:09


《射雕英雄传》要出英文版了!看到这些武功招式 心疼翻译……



能!英国出版社 Maclehose Press确认,英译版《射雕英雄传》将分12卷出版,计划在2月22日发售第一卷《英雄诞生》(A Hero Born),纸质版定价14.99英镑。要知道,《射雕》最早出版与1957年,而英译本问世时,金老也90多岁了。

而且,这一次《射雕英雄传》(Legend of the Condor Heroes)、《神雕侠侣》(Divine Condor, Errant Knight)和《倚天屠龙记》(Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre)的英译本将一同出版。





The world imagined by Chinese writer Jin Yong is one which celebrates loyalty, courage, and the triumph of the individual over a corrupt and authoritarian state—carried out by no less than heroes who fly through trees and deliver deadly blows to their enemies with a single finger.



It’s a world familiar to many readers of wuxia (martial-arts related fiction) writer Jin Yong, a pen name for Louis Cha, the best-selling author in the Chinese-speaking world. Though Cha’s fantasy worlds rival J.R.R. Tolkien’s every bit in creativity, breadth, and depth, his works remain relatively unknown to English readers because of a conspicuous lack of translations.


Like Tolkien, the themes of justice and heroism are also central to Cha’s works. But unlike the British writer’s fantasies about hobbits, elves, and orcs, Cha’s world is in fact rooted in China’s past, a sort of historical fiction that reimagines alternative “what if” scenarios in history. Legends of the Condor Heroes, the first book of the Condor trilogy, is set in 1205 in the Southern Song Dynasty of China, at a time when the Han Chinese population faced continuous attacks from the northern Jurchen Jin dynasty, as well as from Genghis Khan’s Mongols. The story centers around two heroes, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, the sons of two close friends who bonded over their fierce resistance against the Jurchen invaders, and who want their boys to be sworn brothers. Guo is taken in as a child by Genghis Khan’s army, but eventually comes to fight against the Mongols.



“Most of his novels are Bildungsroman, in which a young hero experiences numerous ordeals and romance, and gradually grows to be a perfect hero who not only has the ability of fighting evil and saving the world, but also embodies parts of Chinese culture, such as Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism,” said Liu Jianmei, co-author of The Jin Yong Phenomenon and a professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.




“Translating Jin Yong is often a daunting task because of the complexity of his language, which integrates prose and poetry and makes extensive use of ‘four-character phrases’ and other Chinese idioms in order to recreate the ‘feel’ of traditional Chinese vernacular novels,” said Petrus Liu, associate professor of Chinese and comparative literature at Boston University.


The word literally translates as “rivers and lakes,” but is typically used to mean people who live in a world parallel to conventional society, one that operates by its own laws and code of ethics. It is closely linked to another wuxia term, the wulin, or “martial arts forest,” referring to a community of people practicing martial arts.


答案是:Seven Freaks of the South


答案是:Nine Yin Skeleton Claw



就是她,Anna Holmwood ,据中国日报报道,Anna母亲是瑞典人,父亲是英国人,在英国长大的,在牛津大学学习历史。,她作为访问学者来到中国。为期两个月的中国行让她深深的爱上了这个国家。她还有个中文名,叫郝玉青。

Holmwood, who was born to a British father and a Swedish mother, grew up in the United Kingdom and studied history at the University of Oxford. Her love affair with China began in , when she spent two months traveling around the country on a scholarship.


She said: “It was the obvious place to start, not only because of the quality of his writing, but also because of his standing and reputation in Asia.”

,Anna来到中国台湾,在当地书店中偶然看到了金庸的另一部著作《鹿鼎记》(The Deer and the Cauldron),她的感想则是:起初读者本书是一种煎熬,因为金庸小说背景设定在古代中国,人物也会跨越几个朝代。

“It (reading the book) was a struggle at first," Holmwood says, adding that this was because Jin Yong's novels are all set in ancient China and the characters span multiple generations.”


But what is a bigger challenge for the translator, Holmwood says, is rendering the original pace and excitement into English. "It's all about whether the English reader will be lured by the emotions and characters. It's vital for the English version to read like an enticing work."


It took five years for Holmwood to finish the translation of the first volume.



郝玉青:我认为翻译一本文学小说未必要逐字翻译,而应该根据书本的内容做一个合适的演绎。在网络上《射雕》的英文书名 Legends of Condor Heroes是一个已经存在的译词,每当有人讨论这本书时都是引用这个译名。所以,在经过与编辑的讨论之后,我们决定沿用这个名称,避免造成误解。在《射雕》里,雕本身是一种非常有灵性的动物。虽然“Condor”是一个来自美洲的原生物种,但其体态及美感更接近小说中的雕,对西方读者来说,也许“Condor hero”念起来更有韵味,让读者可以更容易进入作者的小说世界。







金庸小说中,有三部曾在香港出版过英译本,分别是《雪山飞狐》(Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain)、《鹿鼎记》和《书剑恩仇录》(The Book and the Sword)。您是否读过?会不会用于参考和比较?


好~说到这,各位是不是已经跃跃欲试,想知道剩下那些天马行空的武侠世界都是咋翻译的了?不过,Anna没有过多透露。在书籍正式问世前,网友们倒是可以开开脑洞,琢磨琢磨自己的英译本: “打狗棒法”、“降龙十八掌”、“九阴白骨爪”、“碧海潮生曲”、“南帝、北丐、东邪、西毒、中神通”都应该怎么译?



九阳神功 nine man’s power (九个男子的力量)

九阴真经 nine woman’story (九个女人的故事)

九阴白骨爪 nine women catch a white bone (九个女人抓著一个白骨)

神照经 God bless you (神保佑你)

胡家刀法 Dr.Hu’sword (胡博士的剑)

两仪剑法 1/2 sword (二分之一的剑)

洗髓经 wash bone (洗骨头)

苗家刀法 Miao’s sword (苗家的剑)

易筋经 change your bone (换你的骨头)

龙象波若功 Dragon and Elephant together (龙象合体)

梯云纵心法 elevator jump (电梯跳跃)

轻功水上飘 flying skill (飞行技能)

小无相功 an unseen power (一种看不见的力量)

太玄经 all fool’s diary (全是胡言乱语的日记)

胡青牛医书 buffalo Hu’s medicine book(水牛胡的医书)

药王神篇 king of drug(药王)

黯然销魂掌 Depressed press(深深忧郁的掌法)

松风剑法 softwind sword(柔风剑)

回风落雁剑法 comeback sword(回头再来剑)

金刚伏魔圈 superman’s cover(超人的保护)

八荒六合唯我独尊功 my name is NO.1(我的名字叫第一)

葵花宝典 sunflower Bible/from gentlenan to a lady (太阳花的圣经,可让你从绅士变淑女)

打狗棒法 guide of dog beating(打狗指南)


